
Hello everyone... I just updated my diary like life.. please I would want you to show some love by reading and commenting as your feedbacks really means alot. Please don't forget to follow me on IG @_dizza99..


Salamualaikum guys,I'm so sorry for going MIA on zainab's little secret.. but not to worry I gat u covered.. And please try to show some love to my other books "the bleeding ink and my diary like life" too . Jazakhallah khairan as you do so.. Do not forget that Ramadan is fast approaching.. what are the things we have done in preparation for it? Are we mentally, emotionally and spiritually ready for it. May Allah SWT make it easy for us.. Amin..


As salamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu sister!!! 
          I read only the first poem... and am already in love with your bleeding emotions.....
          Its awsome! MashaAllah!
          May Allah SWT bless you!


@Dizza99 ameen sister!
            Wa antum fajazakumullahu khair sissy!
            May Allah bless you too sis!


@wannabejannathi walaiykum salam waramatullah wabarakatuh sister.. Jazakhillah khairan sis...Thank you so so so much. Your comments really really mean so much to me.. It is comment like this that keeps me going.. Thank u so much. May almighty Allah bless you..