
I would like to sincerely apologize to the readers of Ice Burn for giving Rick and Bridget more chemistry within 4 chapters of Eden // Rick Riley than Adam and Bridget within 40 chapters of Ice Burn // Adam banks. Ive been writing Ice Burn for 2 years and I lowkey just wanted to end the story because idk what you guys are on but that story is so ass cheeks I would totally rewrite it if I wasn’t lazy. 


I would like to sincerely apologize to the readers of Ice Burn for giving Rick and Bridget more chemistry within 4 chapters of Eden // Rick Riley than Adam and Bridget within 40 chapters of Ice Burn // Adam banks. Ive been writing Ice Burn for 2 years and I lowkey just wanted to end the story because idk what you guys are on but that story is so ass cheeks I would totally rewrite it if I wasn’t lazy. 


wait. are you still updating ice burn? i’m so so invested in this and i love it so so much  i hope you do lol.


@DoWaDiddyDumDo no your just fine!!! no worries at all!!! i just wanted to make sure i wasn’t getting my hopes up lol!! take your time please!! okay now im so happy!


I am. There is still a lot more to the story, I am just having some writers block with bringing the plot together without just completely jumping from one thing to another. I like having more of a flow to my writing. I also have difficulty staying on task and tend to work on other stories instead lmao. 


Guys I’m tryna work on Dean Portman’s story but it’s turning out so badly omg. Like my Adam Banks Story really set the bar high 
          Also in my Dean Portman Story I will be incorporating Adam and Bridget Easter eggs. It just felt necessary. 


To whoever thought it was a good idea to put a wait timer on Episode stories, I hope both sides of your pillow is warm....


In all honesty, I have no idea lmao. I have the first part of the next chapter down but it’s not long enough to be considered good quality or to be published. Give it time. I need to find my Mighty Ducks inspiration and motivation again haha. 


@DoWaDiddyDumDo when are you gonna update?