
Hello again, my followers! I apologize for not being on recently and stopping Circuit, Break. Don't worry, new (and hopefully continuing) books may arrive, but I'm having trouble sticking with just one. I may not be on a lot from now on.


Hello again, my followers! I apologize for not being on recently and stopping Circuit, Break. Don't worry, new (and hopefully continuing) books may arrive, but I'm having trouble sticking with just one. I may not be on a lot from now on.


Well, in a bout of 'I don't know London time' and 'I'm doing things other than writing', I might have been accidentally kicked out of the Open Novella Contest by myself. If any of you were reading Circuit, Break, sorry, because I'm not going to be able to finish it if I'm not in the contest.


Okay! SO. Ascension may be experiencing some EXTRA EXTRA slow updating, but that is because... 
          I am entering the open novella contest! Wow! If you don't know about it already, I highly recommend that all of you guys give it a try! 
          Your dear attempt at an author, 


I've always wondered this...I know your a Doctor Who fan.....But what's with the Paradox part of you name? Do you just like Paradoxes or is there a certain reason?


@lingling1124 Eheu! Paradoxes are my life's love and adoration because they make people angry. I like things that make other people annoyed (like The Lady or the Tiger)