
By the time I log back in tomorrow after work I will be 21. Tomorrow is my birthday and I get to work my 21st birthday.


Hey there! Did you start anything for the idea of Josh moving in with Cory? Would love to read it


Awww I’m so excited! Gonna take a look. No pressure. This is your book. You do it how you like! (Unless you’re taking reader’s suggestions for ideas later on lol).


@AnnieBeeMe I only had 3 chapters written but couldn't wait any longer. I posted the first chapter. If you want to Private message and talk about my take on it feel free to


Good for you! That’s awesome. Lemme know. I’m excited 


Toady is my birthday I am now 20 years old


Happy late birthday 


After hearing about Cameron Boyce death I lost all of my ideas and have not been able to think right. It really hit home to me because he was only 2 months older then me. I will update just give me time to remember the ideas I had


oh my if today is how the rest of my goverment test are going to turn out u all may know someone who will not gradurate and it is  not my falt i cant remember all the things we need to know and remember and i took 4 pages of notes acturally looked those over but becuase i did not remember 4 people and a few facts i falied my test which took my grade  down almost 2 letter grade  any advice i cant do it anymore i dont think i will make it