
Unicorn summed up in 5 seconds:
          	His voice makes him sound like an old man, but he's like that old man with an AK-47 in his basement, and you just don't want to mess with him. 


For those of you who came to my account to see how I would finish "When Water Meets Energon," I'm sorry to say that I'm unadopting it. My muse has long ago abandoned writing for Percy Jackson stories, and it's taken this long for me to see that. I believe another writer adopted it around the same time I did, so go see them if you want to see how that story ends. I do hope you stick around though. I have another story in the works, and I'm seriously considering publishing it (after I get more writing done for it). I'm also hoping I'll come up with some more things for my book of one shots as well. Thank you for reading me ramble this whole thing, and for giving my account a chance.


So today my family and I are moving from San Francisco to a town in Oregon. I'm hoping that the change of environment will bring back my muse for writing, although school starts in a couple days. So the next time you hear from me, I'll probably be in my new home. See you all then! 
          (P.S: I wouldn't mind a conversation if you want to have one, its gonna be a 12 hoir road trip.)