
Hello everyone! I have returned! But, I will not be continuing any of my old stories. Those were cringe and my writing style has changed drastically. I'm still gonna be making some fanfics n stuff but they'll be better(I hope at least)


Hello everyone! I have returned! But, I will not be continuing any of my old stories. Those were cringe and my writing style has changed drastically. I'm still gonna be making some fanfics n stuff but they'll be better(I hope at least)


Ok, you're stuck in a basement with one very high up window and one door, both of witch are locked, a very agresseve looking dog chained next to the door and barking at you, one other person, two bowls of very soggy fruit loops, two spoons, a tray that the cereal is sitting on, and two water bottles, how would you escape?


@smithh14 I would drink one water, and then smash the bottle, receiving broken glass. I would then (I'm sorry) hurt the dog, or intimidate it with the glass. Then, if the key was still in the door (on the other side) I would put the tray under the door gap, and move it so the key would fall into the tray. I would the use the spoon to a) push the key out and use it that way, or b) pick the lock with my "skilled" hands.