
My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those affected and greiviously hurt by the Orlando massacre at Pulse, and my condolences to the deceased's love ones. This is an excruitiating time for the LGBT+ community and I do hope that America can learn from this horrifying experience and finally put some strict control around gun laws. 
          	How many more people deserve to die at the hands of such violence?


My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of those affected and greiviously hurt by the Orlando massacre at Pulse, and my condolences to the deceased's love ones. This is an excruitiating time for the LGBT+ community and I do hope that America can learn from this horrifying experience and finally put some strict control around gun laws. 
          How many more people deserve to die at the hands of such violence?


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@yaboiiicollin 14.
          One, as i’ve said to multiple people on several occasions.. asking me this question is like asking me which puppy i’d rather have.
          Two, my favourite song changes all the time it’s impossible to pinpoint just one song. Had you’ve said artist I could probably tell you my latest obsession without freaking out on you too much.
          16. Okay, this one is a little easier. My answer, although ever-changing, will almost always be some type of animated movie.Almost always disney/pixar. My childhood favourite would have to be Pocahontas.
          17. going on personality alone i would say my ideal partner would be someone who is passionate, caring and overall down to earth. I'm quite sarcastic and dirty-minded at times so I would probably need someone that either can tolerate that or join in with me. I can be quite weird and spontaneous too. Someone who could entertain my weird conversation topics at 2 am or someone who is willing to do something crazy once in a while would be just amazing.A patient person.
          24. I love both honestly.Showers are great for singing in and washing away everything but baths are just awesome for relaxing and chilling out.
          37.  Probably shit. I say shit a lot. It’s a way of conveying everything want to say in just one word.
          41. I want to say that i am but many would disagree.


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          62) Are you a good singer?
          Yes, and yeah while saying that sounds a bit cocky i know I'm a good singer. It’s just a matter of whether i try or not or rather allow myself to take risks, my anxiety from performing often makes me doubt myself.. that doubt prevents me from performing to my full potential (I’m working on it,slowly) and that in turn makes people think I'm an average singer because I lack confidence.
          63) Biggest Fear?
          My greatest fear would probably be the fear of living my entire life alone. I realise that I'm generally a needy person that loves cuddling and just..human touch/reassurance. To live my life with no one by my side would be abysmal.
          68)Favourite school subject? 
          Either Music or English. I’ve always been fairly great in both.
          74)Are you ticklish?
          Holy shit yes! Everywhere!
          90)What makes you angry?
          If you know which buttons to push, I can get very scary.
          Not a lot of things make me angry. 
          1.Homophobia or anything of that sort that promotes fear and hate of human beings and kin.(Abuse, Hate Crimes etc.)
          2.Bullying -pretty much goes hand in hand with 1.
          3.Blatant disrespect.
          4.Mocking of deaths and illnesses.
          92) Have you already thought of baby names? If so What are they?
          To be honest with you, I haven’t thought that far ahead considering the child i’d most likely have would be adopted and already have a name. If i did have a kid biologically, i would pick a gender neutral name.
          94/95)What are your strengths and weaknesses?
          My strengths and weaknesses pretty much go hand in hand.
          I care too much.
          I help people and it’s what I love to do but it’s also what brings me down.
          Overlook my own needs to help another person and then,when i need someone they brush off my problems and ignore me.
          In no way am i saying this to be conceited or to sound overly nice and kind.
          This is the part of me that i have the most trouble with and in the same breath something that comes naturally.


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@gagaga149 Part two!
          55) Your  most used phrase?
          hmm, i don't think i have any one phrase that i constantly use, it changes all the time. Please let me know if you have any idea of what it would be.
          56) Most used word?
          Well, statistically it would be "the" however, i don't think thats what the question was aimed towards.
          My most uniquely used word would probably be "Shit" as it's my reaction to anything. Just in different tones you know?
          Something really crappy happens? Oh shit :(
          Something really awesome happens? OHHHHH SHIIITTTTTTT :D
          You get my point.
          57) How long does it take for you to get ready?
          Not long actually.. most days I don't wear makeup  and even if i do its basically mascara and eyeliner so i just shower (10 mins), get dressed into my school uniform and go to school.I can put my hair in a pony in the car.
          67)Can you name all 50 of America's states?
          Actually, you would be surprised to know the I'm really good with geography.
          I can probably name at least 45. And place them on a map. Here I go!
          Texas,California,Iowa,Delaware,Ohio, Massachusetts, Florida, Michigan, Alaska, Oregon, Kentucky, Georgia (Where The Walking Dead is filmed aye), Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Alabama, New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, Washington, Tennessee, North Carolina,South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota,Illinois, Virginia, Wisconsin, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska (state or place idek i think it's a state fingers crossed) Connecticut, New Hampshire, Louisiana, Utah, Maryland, New Mexico, Mississippi, Kansas, Wyoming, Nevada, Indiana, Arkansas,New York, Vermont, who da hoe? Idaho!, West Virginia.. and Hawaii. Is that 50? Oh, i forgot Maine! i feel like I'm missing one.. meh.
          79) Who was your first crush? 
          My first crush, oh god that was so long ago..
          i think it was this boy called Josh from my class in year 1 haha


             #55 / #56: Wouldn't that technically be a phrase? Since it's more than one word... XD
             #57: Wow nice
             #67: Well dang, I think you know more than I do... And we actually learned those in school................... Oops
             #79: Lol


@gagaga149 this is part one XD get ready!
          11) How many pairs of shoes do you own? 
          It surprised me when i actually counted, the lack of shoes i seem to have.
          I have two pairs of shoes, one for school and one for general usage.
          3 pairs of thongs and one pair of slippers.
          15) Are you psychic in any way?
          While I don't exactly believe in ghosts ( the hollywood version anyway) I do believe that there are certain residual energies and spirits that linger after death sometimes and ,at the risk of sounding a little weird, I'd like to believe I'm a bit sensitive to them yes.
          17) Who would be your ideal partner?
          As you know, I don't exactly pay attention to gender or lack thereof so 
          going on personality alone i would say my ideal partner would be someone who is passionate, caring and overall down to earth. I'm quite sarcastic and dirty-minded at times so I would probably need someone that either can tolerate that or join in with me. I can be quite weird and spontaneous too. Someone who could entertain my weird conversation topics at 2 am or someone who is willing to do something crazy once in a while would be just amazing.
          A patient person.
          38) What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? 
          3 days and 8 hours, but again, you knew this.
          40) Have you ever had a secret admirer?
          I have actually! In primary school (year 3) I always used to come home with letters in my bag. They were really cute and sweet, you could hardly read them with the messy handwriting but all in all v v cute! They turn out to be form one of my best mates Ryan. Ryan used to always buy me chocolate and a singular rose for valentines and christmas. 
          I hadn't realised that he liked me, like the innocent, naive girl i was XD
          His mum had talked to my mum and said that Ryan really liked me and my mum had said that we were too young. 
          I think my mum kinda cockblocked me? does that even apply to kids? i don't think so but you get my point.


Part Two of operation 'Get to know Me':
          51) Are you scared of spiders?
          52)Favourite food?
          53)Favourite Foreign food?
          54) Are you a clean or messy person?
          55) Most used phrase?
          56) Most used word?
          57) How long does it take for you to get ready?
          58) Do you have much of an ego?
          59) Do you suck or bite lollipops?
          60) Do you talk to yourself?
          61)  Do you sing to yourself?
          62) Are you a good singer?
          63) Biggest Fear?
          64) Are you a gossip?
          65) Best dramatic movie you've seen?
          66) Do you like long or short hair?
          67) Can you name all 50 states of america?
          68) Favourite school subject?
          69) Extrovert or Introvert?
          70) Have you ever been scuba diving?
          71) What makes you nervous?
          72) Are you scared of the dark?
          73) Do you correct people when they make a mistake?
          74) Are you ticklish?
          75) Have you ever started a rumour?
          76) Have you ever been in a position of authority?
          77) Have you ever drunk underage?
          78) Have you ever done drugs?
          79) Who was your first real crush?
          80) How many piercings do you have? 
          81) Can you roll your R's?
          82) How fast can you type?
          83) How fast can you run?
          84) What colour is your hair?
          85) What colour are your eyes?
          86) What are you allergic to?
          87) Do you keep a journal? 
          88) What do your parents do?
          89) Do you like your age?
          90) What makes you angry?
          91) Do you like your own name?
          92) Have you already thought of baby names? If so What are they?
          93) Do you want  a boy or a girl for a child?
          94) What are your strengths?
          95) What are your weaknesses?
          96) How did you get your name?
          97)Were your ancestors royalty?
          98) Do you have any scars?
          99) Colour of your bedspread?
          100) Colour of your room?


@gagaga149 Not  everything needs labels Soph XD


            You should prob. name ur challenge............................. Yeah......


          by game I mean "please interact with me I'm lonely" XD This is only part one don't worry ;)
          Choose anyone of the following questions and I'll answer them truthfully (please pick no more than five at a time) 
          1) What is your full name?
          2) How old are you?
          3) When is your birthday?
          4) What is your zodiac sign?
          5) What is your favourite colour?
          6) What's your lucky number?
          7) Do you have any pets?
          8) Where are you from?
          9) How tall are you?
          10) What shoe size are you?
          11) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
          12) What was your last dream about?
          13) What talents do you have?
          14) Favourite song at the moment?
          15) Are you psychic in any way?
          16) Favourite movie?
          17) Who would be your ideal partner?
          18) Do you want children?
          19) Do you want a church wedding?
          20) Are you religious?
          21) Have you ever been to the hospital?
          22) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?
          23) Have you met any celebrities?
          24) Baths or Showers?
          25) What colour socks are you wearing?
          26) Have you ever been famous?
          27) Would you like to be a big celebrity?
          28) What type of music do you like?
          29) Have you ever been skinny dipping?
          30) How many pillows do you sleep with?
          31) What position do you normally sleep in?
          32) How big is your house?
          33) What do you typically have for brekkie?
          34) Have you ever fired a gun?
          35) Have you ever tried archery?
          36) Favourite clean word?
          37) Favourite swear word?
          38) What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
          39) Do you have any scars?
          40) Have you ever had a secret admirer?
          41) Are you a good liar?
          42) Are you a good judge of character?
          43) Can you do any other accents other than your own?
          44) Do you have a strong accent?
          45) What is your favourite accent?
          46) What is your personality type?
          47) What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
          48) Can you curl your tongue?
          49) Innie or outie?
          50) Left or Right handed?


            12, 15, 17, 38, 40 (even though I know the answer to #38, haha)


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I was tagged by @TeasyTommo to say 10 things about myself.. here goes!
          1) I'm 16
          2) Bisexual/Pansexual (not sure but definitely not straight )
          3) I'm Australian
          4) I probably ship every single fucking ship you can name. Just saying!
          5) I can sing and often perform at pubs/clubs
          6) I'm single
          7) I have blonde hair and blue eyes
          8) I'm 5"6
          9) My favourite colours are Blue and Green.
          10) I will respond to every single message, no matter what it is. Even if you send it at midnight.
          I tag @alphaphan @gagaga149 and @TroylerMkayBye


lol I thought you already knew.. I'm sowwy




@Dont_Fail_Me_Now Sometimes yes, depends on who :)