
I just did an update and didn't click notify, it explains my situation. Sorry.


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UPDATE : so as I told you guys, I am without laptop due to charger I am actually going to be without it until the 17th of August, as that is when I will be reunited with my slug. I don't really write on my phone because it glitches so all my stuff is pretty much on a small pause until I am able to work on my laptop again. I am sorry. 
          (Went to southampton - bag left on train- Paddington got our shit - I left - slug getting our stuff on 10th - he visits me on 17 - all will be happy again) 


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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that the reason trainers has not been updated is due to me currently not having a laptop. Okay no I have one, just not a charger, I put it into my boyfriends bag who left the bag on the train and so as soon as  I am back home I will be getting my charger and sorting shit out. god I am sorry about this, please be patient with me. Thanks <3 


Missed you so much, Rhi! :) Thanks for the follow here and on instagram. <3 


@katiecruz omg don't thank me, I love reading your work, so of course I am going to follow! Aw I missed you too! I need to stop with the exclamation marks. And I love Instagram so it is no problem, I saw you had it and I replied on there saying I hope you didn't mind! How are you? :D 