
I lost my damn discord account wtf I can't log back in


To anyone who sees this, hi, I am a close friend to Mui aka DoumasCanonWife. She got logged out of her account and can't get back in, so she asked me to tell you all. We are working on getting her account back, since she suddenly felt the need to want to write on here again! She says whenever she gets back she'll try to write something for you all. 


Y'all, sorry for not being active much on here, I forgot about it and I'm slowly losing interest in writing on here.
          I enjoy talking to every single one of you, I really do.
          It's just not as fun as it used to be, I still enjoy writing, I also do art, editing, and sometimes poetry if I feel like it, which isn't a lot.
          I still might be active on here every once in a while, I might post short little stories or updates on how I've been or if I'm still writing on here or not.
          But for now I'm not going to be posting much, if you wanna talk you can DM me or add me on discord, tiktok, or any of my socials.
          TT: Akazdoudou
          My discord was already said on here but I'll still say it again: muids
          Again, I was happy to be here, and I'll miss y'all, I'm most active on discord and not on tiktok much but oh well. 


            I wouldn't mind! ^^ you can if you want to, do whatever you want with it in case people want it to continue:)


@DoumasCanonWife I could update the books so u don't half to son


If anyone wants my discord it's muids


            I'll add you rq, my user should be obvious 


I'll most likely be active there more than here


Alr, I've made my decision
          I'm going to stop posting stuff, but I'm not going to quit Wattpad.
          I won't be active as much since I'm barely on here anymore, but I'll be on here every now and then.
          Now then, I'll take a break from this and just stop posting, so I can get stuff together and focus on more important things for now


@DoumasCanonWife  alr! well focus on school and the far more important things in life. love ya/p :)


@lenabeaniboo I'll miss you too, and hopefully in a few months I'll be able to be on here with nothing to worry abt since school is almost out for me ^^ (in abt like- three months)


this message may be offensive
Bro I went to the mall today with my sister and mom and we went into Spencer's...
          I seen some shit... 


What is Spencer’s 


@DoumasCanonWife but then again your on watt pad..