
Started my new book, Eternally Us!! Please check it out, I'm working super hard on it :D


@UnbrokenHull I am so sorry, but as the only way I am able to check Wattpad at the moment is at a local library, I will not be able to comment and review your work until later this week. I hope this doesn't upset you, I try to read as many of my reader's works but as they say, I am only human. 
          Please look for my review later this week or at the latest, next Friday 


Hi... ninja. I was searching for some unusual poems and got into Nemock's stuff, and then found you.. I wrote a poem about bullying. It's the one time I've referred to it in my whole life, since no one I know will read it one here. 
          But its probably an unusual perspective. I handle many psychological issues in very strange ways, and over time I've come to look back on being bullied as a blessing. I'm concerned that this might upset somebody, and I'd value your perspective on it. It's called The Bullying Thing.