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As far back k as I can remember I was about five years old and the only thing I can think of is a memory of my father. I remember wanting to go with him to the store, and he wouldn't let me go, so I started out after him anyway, and I can see his anger of me trying to follow him, so he reached up and grabbed a branch off the tree, we called them, switches, he grabbed one and wore my butt out. I can still feel the stinging of that switch, it taught me not to try to follow him anymore when ever he would leave to go somewhere. Back in those days, ever the school teachers had permission to spank you if you were acting up in school. My father was turn when it came to punishment. He was also very kind any had compassion and he did not believe in a person being stingy. I remember wanting some of my big brother egg nog and he gave me a little bit in a cup probably about an inch or so in a cup.
I wanted more and he wouldn't give me more so I got mad and told my father he wouldn't give me any, and my father got so mad he grabbed the egg nog and poured my glass so full until in started to run over the side of the glass. He told my brother that we are family and we are suppose to share with each other. The only other memory that I have about my father is that, I can remember getting the chicken pox, and I remember itching so bad that he and my mom rubbed me down with something and laid me in their bed. As I remember it I stayed in three bed forever itching. That's all I can remember about my father, because he died of lung cancer from work at the steel mill....

To be continued.
  • Waterloo, Iowa 50701
  • JoinedSeptember 14, 2019