
Since I haven't done much in a while, I thought you might want a spoiler and some info on the Devonstone.
          	The Devonstone is essentially a large source of adrenaline to put it in perspective. When the effects wear off, Kelious's body takes extra toll. Hence why he must find out what power it actually contains. Also, with Davina being put into a coma is a demonstration of this which I didn't explain properly. Kelious was born to endure the Stone's power, but Davina is not, hence why she took a much larger toll when being healed by the Devonstone. 
          	Also, for those of you who were wondering why the Devonstone has more than one ring floating in the center, is because they aren't rings. They are actually symbols of each different song. The Devonstone itself is a device used to harness the power of all them combined, with an infused DNA code to unlocking it. The reason why the Devonstone isn't recorded in history, is because there was no knowledge of its existence. It dissapeared along with the Devonoris clan, presumably to safeguard it. When/If he meets Galleous, they will research how to unlock the said device, releasing the individual Songs.
          	Hope that gives you some theories. Be sure to share those with me below! :)
          	Dr Playz


@DrPlayz This is really useful and i do have a few theories about what will happen and can you please update "The Devonstone"? It is a really good and i understand that it won't come out immediately but still can you please update or at lest work on "The Devonstone"


No offense, but can you please credit my friend who originally made the cover?
          Sorry if I didn't know if she let you use it or not


@Ingressus_Voltaris It's not actually the cover, it's simply there because there's nothing else as the cover and they don't leave it blank when you publish it


"A Knight of Ardonia"
            This one
            Again, sorry if she let you use it and I didn't know


I assume you mean my pfp?


Since I haven't done much in a while, I thought you might want a spoiler and some info on the Devonstone.
          The Devonstone is essentially a large source of adrenaline to put it in perspective. When the effects wear off, Kelious's body takes extra toll. Hence why he must find out what power it actually contains. Also, with Davina being put into a coma is a demonstration of this which I didn't explain properly. Kelious was born to endure the Stone's power, but Davina is not, hence why she took a much larger toll when being healed by the Devonstone. 
          Also, for those of you who were wondering why the Devonstone has more than one ring floating in the center, is because they aren't rings. They are actually symbols of each different song. The Devonstone itself is a device used to harness the power of all them combined, with an infused DNA code to unlocking it. The reason why the Devonstone isn't recorded in history, is because there was no knowledge of its existence. It dissapeared along with the Devonoris clan, presumably to safeguard it. When/If he meets Galleous, they will research how to unlock the said device, releasing the individual Songs.
          Hope that gives you some theories. Be sure to share those with me below! :)
          Dr Playz


@DrPlayz This is really useful and i do have a few theories about what will happen and can you please update "The Devonstone"? It is a really good and i understand that it won't come out immediately but still can you please update or at lest work on "The Devonstone"


Who wants me to make another story?


@DrPlayz Hey! I am a new follower. Just want to support you, would love to read your stoires?


@DrPlayz I've know you since your days on Fanfiction.net hope to see more stories soon.