
To people that have asked for commissions! I'm sorry for the hold up I have a back log and am working on a lot of art projects and animations at once! I'll try to get them to you guys as soon as I can. 




I made a gay wand :>


            WAIT WAIT WAIT 
            IF I JUMP OUT A WINDOW
            WILL I FLY?


Call me All Might cause I'm just looking to Texas Smash


          Have some Haikyuu Dub Moments:
          Come on Bokuto we need to stay calm.
          I AM CALM.
          Wow, you are such a fatass.
          You wanna talk hair huh!?
          So the two main characters show up fashionably late
          Oh how tackyyyyyyy


I'm always so scared to text my friends first because they could be busy but at the same time I'm also scared that they are gonna take it wrong and think I don't want to talk to them. ╥﹏╥


Thinking of dying my full hair instead of just the tips