
Hi there. I know I kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for a while. I've been struggling with a lot of personal issues, including finding out I have a physical disability that has significantly screwed up my life. However, I have also been working on an old story idea I started in 2015, when I was in 9th grade of high school. It is an LGBTQIA+ pirate romance (I am obsessed with pirates and part of the LGBTQIA+ community myself). I was wondering if any of my old followers would be interested in reading that at all. I plan to publish it here first as it is my only platform so if any of my old followers are still faithful in my ability to write and tell a good story, I would be stoked to share it with you. 
          	Much love, 


Hi there. I know I kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for a while. I've been struggling with a lot of personal issues, including finding out I have a physical disability that has significantly screwed up my life. However, I have also been working on an old story idea I started in 2015, when I was in 9th grade of high school. It is an LGBTQIA+ pirate romance (I am obsessed with pirates and part of the LGBTQIA+ community myself). I was wondering if any of my old followers would be interested in reading that at all. I plan to publish it here first as it is my only platform so if any of my old followers are still faithful in my ability to write and tell a good story, I would be stoked to share it with you. 
          Much love, 


Um okay.. When I try to access my reading lists they’re not there. On my profile I can access them but they’re gone when I go to my library and try to access them from there where that’s never been an issue before now. Has anyone else had this issue? And if so, anyone know how to fix it?


Hi guys, gals and non-binary pals. It's been a minute since I updated anything here lol. Um I'm in the process of writing a new story and I was thinking of posting it here. If anyone wants to read it let me know. Still working on a title. 


this message may be offensive
Am I a bad person..? I feel like a total fûcking idiot..
          My girlfriend doesn't get to see her sisters much and they caught up yesterday. I was invited along and it was good for the most part. But then my mum turned up and I thought she'd just say hi and go about her business.. She didn't and I'm sure the day was ruined and people are mad about it.. And they should be. I'm a fucking idiot.. I should have told her to go but I didn't.. And now I'm sure her family hate me and think I'm a bad person.. 
          Not that they'd be wrong.. I'm too stupid to realise I fûcked up.. and I'm always fûcking tired and complaining about unnecessary things.. Fûck I must be so annoying.. Sorry.. I just needed to say it.. 


Do you ever just burst into tears for no reason you can think of and be unable to stop?


@Starvna lately it's happening basically every single night and lasts for hours. I wish it would stop.


@Dragon_Girl_57 oh yeah, pretty much every other week


Hey guys. I don't know if anyone still reads my Various Oneshots book but if you don't well I don't blame you. It's a big ball of cringe. But if anyone has requests please request. I'm running out of ideas due to severe writer's block caused by depression and anxiety. And please, give me a few straight requests. In addition ti this, I just realised that the book is like 90% Hetalia so other fandoms would be great. If I don't know the fandom or characters bear with me. I'll do my best.
          I won't write x readers so please don't ask.  
          Uh hope this helped. Please request. I can only come up with so much myself haha. 
          If you have a request please tell me: 
          Gay/Straight/Lesbian/ etc (I'll give anything a shot)
          Who (e.g. Tim x Sarah [totally made up. Just used the first two names that came to mind]) 
          Fandom (if they're from one) e.g. Anime, HP, DW, etc. 
          Smutty, fluffy, angsty, drama, romance, comedy, etc. Or a combination. 
          Plot. Please come up with a plot. Otherwise you could be waiting months for your oneshot. I tend to get severe writer's block.
          Happy ending or no? 
          That's all. Please send in requests if you have any. This is also posted in the actual book.