"In the twilight's embrace, whispers dance on the breeze, a symphony of shadows and dreams. Moonlight paints the canvas of the night, weaving tales of forgotten stars and silent wishes. Beneath the celestial tapestry, hearts find solace in the quiet dance of time, where moments linger and memories bloom like delicate flowers in the garden of the soul."
  • JoinedMay 13, 2023

Stories by Player
Bad time trio en Akame ga kill :p by Dragon_Verde_22
Bad time trio en Akame ga kill :p
Un fallo o un error provoco que el bad time trio fueeran teletransportados hacia un nuevo mundo. :p ;p - - - ...
ranking #46 in kill See all rankings
Frisk en Akame Ga Kill ((( DESTINO REDIMIDO ))) by Dragon_Verde_22
Frisk en Akame Ga Kill ((( DESTINO...
En un giro inesperado del destino, Frisk, un humano de corazón puro y determinación inquebrantable, se ve env...
ranking #39 in kill See all rankings
Storyshift Chara en Akame ga kill ( PAUSADA ) by Dragon_Verde_22
Storyshift Chara en Akame ga kill...
Chara es llevada hacia el mundo de akame ga kill. :p ;p . . . . . . . . Descargo De Responsabilidad. Los Pers...
ranking #52 in kill See all rankings