
The new account is called, Mr. Cryptid the Hunter or CryptidtheHunter, might go through name changes as time goes on. 
          	I apologize for not stating it sooner, thank you and have a good one.


Attention all pals alike. I'm making a new account, and I intend for this one to be forgotten. I want to start fresh on this platform. I will announce its name afterwards. It's been fun and have a good one.


Where is it?


UPDATE: Turns out I got it all sorted out and the new account is the new one responding now. I'm sorry I got you all confused. It's gonna be awhile until I post anything since I have ideas already and I'm occupied so yeah. Anyways have a new book of ideas to feed your brain matter :D


Hello guys, gals and non binary pals....I cannot believe I said that. So anyways, I will be making a new account. The reason being that I want to start fresh and leave this old one behind. Plus the name doesn't suit me anymore. I will let you know when I'm done. Thank you and keep on writing


@DragonManV cool also, what's your new account to find it


@JcRuiz248 it's gonna take a while and it's still a work in progress. I know I want to make a betrayed jaune fic, that's a sure fire. The fic will be published on my new account, I'll announce it when it's done.


@DragonManV i read that you were to make a story of jaune
            ITS ready or STILL in process??


I've noticed that not many stories star mostly humans, not actual creatures. I know there are stories out there but I don't see much of them. So I wanted to make stories of  monsters basically. I hope you can enjoy these stories but I must warn you, I'm a slow writer and these stories are mostly for teen or mature readers so don't come bashing through my door.