
Damn, getting Coronavirus really does put a hamper on your writing mood...


indeed it does


Well, I guess it's finally time I did something, huh? I'm announcing the re-write of the My Shattered Soul book! I will be rewriting My Shattered Soul, as frankly, I've gotten *much* better at this whole 'storytelling' thing since 7th grade. It'll follow the same basic premise, but expect a much more structured story, with characters that actually feel different, real, and unique. Currently, the first chapter is all that's posted. I'll try to get at least one out every one or two weeks. Enjoy!


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@Dragonslayer43240 holy shit i thought you were dieded


@Dragonslayer43240 cant wait for it to be done, the original was awesome so this will be better


Hey I really appreciate your writing! Will you be continuing any of your works in the near future? They are phenomenal


@Randomqwerty12345 ...Well, I don't know for sure. I finished The Graveyard Shift, but (as I'm sure you can tell) the ending was a bit rushed. I might redo the ending. I've also had a small idea for a sequel to Eternal Flames, but I think I'm done with that for a good while. I'll probably move on to my next idea, which is a much more original story.


Greetings. I know that there will be a slim chance of you ever reading this. I like to say that your writing has a passion and flow that can sweep anyone from their normal zone. Don't let it go to waste! Sure, you don't want to continue on with something you don't like, but that doesn't mean it has to block you at all. You can do more with your writing, broaden your horizons. Just do me and the 219 people who read and still partly support you a favor: Don't let your skills go to rot. Seriously, FNaF is but a mere pebble compared to the world of ideas to write on or about! The truth is, don't push yourself doing this one game if you hate it. You can do so much more than just that. Just try, and the path ahead could clear, and let you do so much more than what your younger self had, instead of being rooted in the past.


*Insert sigh here* It sure has been a while, hasn't it? Well... I'm not really sure to say to all of you out there.
          I've been re-reading my stories... From the beginning of My Shattered Soul, to the "end" of The Graveyard Shift. The support on each of these stories is overwhelming, and it is just hard to wrap my mind around that twelve year old me made a story that was good enough to capture the attention of over 30,000 people.
          The Internet sure is a wondrous place, isn't it? But... let's get more to the point: Why have I been gone? Well... it's a bit of a question. My recent life (I.E. the past six months or so) has been filled with a myriad of events. I've slowly pushed myself away from the FNAF fandom as I realized more and more just how... lifeless the games were becoming. The first four were the best of Scott. They, quite literally, changed the horror game industry. But now, with each installment of the FNAF series, I find it with less personality than before. Now, I see it as no more than I wish for popularity. And so, I haven't been motivated to write. 
          I haven't updated, or hell, even TOUCHED The Graveyard Shift in at least five months. It hasn't even crossed my mind that, " Hey, maybe you should check up on all of those stories you spent so long writing? ". And I find myself surprised because of that.
          87,000 Words. That was the approximate final word count of all of my stories combined. That is enough for a small novel, and yet, it never crossed my mind. And, even after reading all of my own stories once more, I find myself still unmotivated to write.  And I don't really think that will change. 
          Change the world, my final message. Goodbye.


@Dragonslayer43240 can i make a third of MY SHATTERED SOUL thx 
            I would really like to see you on again