
This book is AMAZING if you havent read it you definitly should!


Sorry guys about never posting new chapters, I am so behind on school work because of basketball, and so stressed about friend drama at the moment so please if someone would allow to hear me rant or would like to rant yourself just message me Thank you for all your support though 


Sorry to those who actually read my books, I've been busy with school taking 1 advanced and 1 honors class. And if you didn't know I play basketball so I'm busy with that so overall I barely have time for homework( even though I should make some) but thank you for voting and commenting, i appreciate it a lot and if you haven't please do it would make my day! Thanks again 
          Ps... I am always open to suggestions for my books and if you want to help with any I would appreciate it so much


I have new ideas for the book the dream so I'm gonna do 1,2, or 3 updates per day depending on how much time I have and how many chapter ideas I have but I might not update at all someday a so the next day I will do a double or triple update so just so you know:/