The first two parts of my FairyTail oneshot book have FINALLY been published!!!!


hey! i recently came out as a lesbian during our wild pandemic and my recent story, four thousand miles tells a lot about it.
          i mention online friends, irl friends, ex relationships, friends, figuring things out, growing up, etc. it’s still in the works but i have a few chapters up so far!
          check it out if you’d like and don’t mind i’m a little rusty! remember to love who you are and don’t be afraid to be yourself. you’re so so valid<3.
          thank you. x (: 


I want you to know that you're an amazing person I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you. Once you have read this message you must send this to at least fifteen people. If you get at least three back you are loved❤❤❤


Wow it’s been awhile. So, I’ve been talking to a close friend of mine, and I’ve decided that it’s time to make a return to this site. I won’t be doing anything Aphmau related sadly, but I will be starting off with a oneshot book, most likely Fairytail related. I’m excited to say that I am in the process of editing the first few parts and it should be out within the next two weeks. Keep an eye out!


hey guys. so I'm wondering. would anyone be interested in me making book covers and profile pictures for them? l'm sorta bored and I like editing. if you want examples of my work, you can check out my book covers that I've made or you can direct message me. I don't want any payment but a mention would be nice. (mention optional) direct message me on here or Instagram (@nlc.to.the.t) if interested =)


@DreamyLGBTQ how do i direct message you I haven't beed on watpad verry long sorry?


@Coachpotato05 direct message me and we can work something out =)


@DreamyLGBTQ I'd be interested in a prifile pic but I haven't been able to right any books


Alright so I've done some research on Article 13... and guys, it's not looking good. As a fanfiction writer who is proud of my accomplishments on this site, I am honestly scared. There is a petition about it on @LJMaki 's message board. Also, please check them out, they have a book explaining everything and anything you want to know about Article 13. This is one thing WORTH fighting for guys <3