It is so good to see you again and just like the first time around, thank you for adding my book "The Queen of The Infected" to your reading list. I am appreciative of readers' support with early books and super happy. I feel better about writing this story than I did with Flares, and I hope you enjoy reading it! Please stay safe!!
                                -xo yonna xo


Hi, thanks for adding my '911 lone star; the new girl' story to your reading list. Just started another 911 fanfiction but this time about Evan "Buck" Buckleyand his origins which will be attached to 911 lone star. 
          Maybe you'll like that too. 


Hey! Thank you for adding ‘Runaway’  to your list! Enjoy reading, and don't be shy to leave some votes or comments, it really brightens up an author's day. ;D
          I got a couple more SOA/Mayans fanfics, maybe you'd like to check them out too. ^^