
Thank you to whoever is reading this stuff.  We've got the backstory so that you know who the characters are, the beginning to the adventures, and a glimpse into the future.  Almost through with the pictures for what I've posted so far.  Now it looks like it's time to start digging in to see what this world can offer.  :)


Is ur writings availablе оn Neobook? 


Hey @nsanlorora90l19.  I was told by a publisher that Amazon wouldn't allow anything to be published on their network if it was already available somewhere else, so I backed off from this site to hone some things in a little better.  The reality is that they weren't going to publish that book (not these stories) anyway so I believe I want to build up the stories on here again. I'm not familiar with Neobook, but I will go check it out. Thank you for being interested ... haven't really got much action here on Wattpad, but it's possible that I'm not patient enough, or consistent enough to get what I want out of this site. Chances are the issue is not with this venue, it's me.  I'm a writer ... I have issues.  I hope to see you snooping around when I start up on here again, I've already got about ten books in this storyline and another ten novels in others.


Thank you to whoever is reading this stuff.  We've got the backstory so that you know who the characters are, the beginning to the adventures, and a glimpse into the future.  Almost through with the pictures for what I've posted so far.  Now it looks like it's time to start digging in to see what this world can offer.  :)