So yeah.. Welcome to my lifeless Bio. -_-

So what to say, what to say?? Hmm...

About meh!? Yeah, forgot.

Name: -Go to my facebook acc if you want to-

Age: -Err..-

Gender: -Err... Yeah. I'm a woman. You can see that on my profile pic.-


Hmm.. Nothing much... I just love black. :) I mean, black is my 'lady' thang, ifyouknowwhatImean -wink- -wink- -nudge- -nudge-.

About me (I'm a random person! :P)


Dislikes. (Total random person. :D)

I hate backstabbers. Yeah those bitches at my school? Hate them! Swaggers! Don't sue me! I just hate them! Long, LITERALLY LOONG! T-shirts, knee-length basketball shorts, knee-length socks?! And last but not the least! Nike slippers! Argh! My innocent mind -_-.

BAH-POLAARR!! (Bipolar) I'm a bipolar person xD. And they love it!

I'm into romance. Dark themed romance >:). BLAME SEBBY FOR THAT!! :P.


They're so perfect! I WISH MY BOYFRIEND WAS HOT LIKE SEBBY! (Sebastian Michealis from Black Butler.) Wait, I don't have a boyfriend. -_-. Sucks!

Open person! Walang Bastos sa Taong Open Minded. Try to translate it if you want. :).

I'm not all green minded, I just have a BIG IMAGINATION :D.

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Facebook? Find me :P Duchees.Katrina

"If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything. In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities; in the expert's mind there are few." -Shunryu Suzuki.

I have an account on My pen name is Duchess K. XD XD
  • Дата регистрацииOctober 20, 2013

История от DuchessK29
#BeautifulStranger от DuchessK29
A stranger found her lying motionless on the grass. He may be just a boy in her dreams, but someday she will...