
Hi guys!
          	I’m sorry for the random update.
          	I was writing chapter 14 but accidentally published it. Oops...
          	It is a long chapter and I will upload chapter 4 when I’m finished with chapter 14.
          	Thank you for reading So Admirable!
          	I will update tonight or tomorrow so don’t worry...
          	Bye my lovelies!


Wow bro so sick! I’m too impulsive and impatient to be so organised hsbsbsbdj


@Its_Just_Robin yes bro I was very organized! 


          Toevallig op zoek naar een nieuwe HP fanfic ten tijde corona ? Ik ben namelijk op zoek naar lezers voor mijn verhaal 'Voorbestemd?' En je krijgt moeilijk lezers op Wattpad als nederlandstalige schrijver, merk ik.  Laat maar weten wat je vindt. Wil je hem niet leest of zegt hij je niks, geen probleem!❤️❤️


Hi guys!
          I’m sorry for the random update.
          I was writing chapter 14 but accidentally published it. Oops...
          It is a long chapter and I will upload chapter 4 when I’m finished with chapter 14.
          Thank you for reading So Admirable!
          I will update tonight or tomorrow so don’t worry...
          Bye my lovelies!


Wow bro so sick! I’m too impulsive and impatient to be so organised hsbsbsbdj


@Its_Just_Robin yes bro I was very organized! 


Hi Guys!
          As You might have noticed I have changed my name to slytherinHPmuggle.  I had always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw. Intelligence is one of my best qualities. I love blue and the Ravenclaw common room. But my favourite house stayed Slytherin. I have given it some thought and I have realised I am a Slytherin. I don’t like dungeons, or green. But I I look good in green and I like the common room. So hello fellow Slytherins!
          And hello Gryffindors, Hufflepufs and Ravenclaws!