
this message may be offensive
So, an update. I (finally) received a message about why my story was deleted. The message said "go look at our conditions I guess", but it's something. Having read through them, I believe I know why my story was removed. And it's fucking stupid. The story was rated Mature (for very obvious reasons). The first thing listed as being allowed within the Mature rating is Explicit Sex. However. The first thing listed as not allowed, is Pornographic Material, which is listed as material only made for sexual stimulation. Now, don't get me wrong, it's fair to say that's what My Dirty Mind was. But I'm going to say something that I don't think Wattpad understands. If there is Explicit Sex that is actively described, that only exists to be Pornographic Material. No one on this platform is using graphic sex scenes for themes or anything important. It's because the Y/N x BTS member that they're writing is building to that. It's because they really want to see these two characters bang but don't know how to animate. It's because they want to get railed by a werewolf. To single out my story as an example of "this is only for the sex" means that they are actively refusing to acknowledge why what I can only assume is at least 20% of the stories on this platform exist for. Fuck this site. 


@ DustianParkerv3  can u repost?? Idk just changing the rating os something like that?! XC


this message may be offensive
@DustianParkerv3 I am so sorry dude, thats fucking awful. FUCK WATTPAD. you gotta switch over to another site dawg. wattpad is shit


Hi sweetie do u remember me


this message may be offensive
So, an update. I (finally) received a message about why my story was deleted. The message said "go look at our conditions I guess", but it's something. Having read through them, I believe I know why my story was removed. And it's fucking stupid. The story was rated Mature (for very obvious reasons). The first thing listed as being allowed within the Mature rating is Explicit Sex. However. The first thing listed as not allowed, is Pornographic Material, which is listed as material only made for sexual stimulation. Now, don't get me wrong, it's fair to say that's what My Dirty Mind was. But I'm going to say something that I don't think Wattpad understands. If there is Explicit Sex that is actively described, that only exists to be Pornographic Material. No one on this platform is using graphic sex scenes for themes or anything important. It's because the Y/N x BTS member that they're writing is building to that. It's because they really want to see these two characters bang but don't know how to animate. It's because they want to get railed by a werewolf. To single out my story as an example of "this is only for the sex" means that they are actively refusing to acknowledge why what I can only assume is at least 20% of the stories on this platform exist for. Fuck this site. 


@ DustianParkerv3  can u repost?? Idk just changing the rating os something like that?! XC


this message may be offensive
@DustianParkerv3 I am so sorry dude, thats fucking awful. FUCK WATTPAD. you gotta switch over to another site dawg. wattpad is shit


Hi sweetie do u remember me


this message may be offensive
It is one in the morning. I just loaded up Wattpad for the first time in a minute. And I check my notifications. And that's how I learn that my most viewed story has been deleted. Again. I have had this happen 3 times now. There has been no warning, and no notification. Just gone. Hours upon hours of writing and criticizing and rewriting and procrastinating and then rewriting again. Just gone. I've had it. I've fucking had it. My job fucking sucks, I'm about to be homeless if my apartment applications fall through, I just lost my dad to cancer, and now the one hobby where I make something and put it out in the world has cast me to the bottom again. I don't care if all it is is a bunch of shitty smut, this was a lot of work into the one outlet that had actually nothing to do with my life. I'm fucking done. To everyone who has ever supported me, thank you. It's meant the world to me that something I made mattered, in the smallest way possible. This might be the last thing I ever write on this fucking train wreck of an app. Truly, Wattpad can go fuck itself. Thank you. 


@DustianParkerv3 do you back your stories up anywhere? Like another platform or saved on a file to copy and reupload? It'd suck if they were gone forever.


Nvm there’s underaged fics on Wattpad so there’s really just no difference


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This why I don’t fw Wattpad and only use AO3 because even tho there’s a shit ton of pesos there at least yo shit never gets deleted


Hey gang, just wanted to shout out real quick that I am still alive. I'm currently working on five or six chapters that could be posted just for MDM, with drafts for updates for a few other stories as well. My writer's block has been hitting me really hard for a while, but I promise I'm still trying to get stories out there for y'all. Just please be patient with me, and enjoy when they do come out.


@DustianParkerv3 you have said you would love to update "finding an owner". but can't access it due to a lack of backup, https:// www.wattpad.com/469815835-finding-an-owner-chapter-1 <----- here is the link, i can also email you plain text copies should you require that instead. hope this helps in your endeavors to revive it


@DustianParkerv3 i went through wattpad and read every single pet classification-related book here on wattpad and only one ever made me come back. it was your book "finding an owner" (on your old account) i was wondering if you could write an update, you could just copy-paste your original over to this one. it is the very best on wattpad and i literally spent 2 months straight trying to find it again.


@DustianParkerv3 i can link it, then you could just copy and paste


@FloofyShadowSky While that is an incredible compliment (seriously, thank you, that means so much to me), I don't have access to that account or story anymore. I haven't even learned my lesson and started backing up my stories now, years and a few more deleted stories later. If I can get my old phone working, I'd love to rewrite and update it, but until then, I'm kind of stuck without it


Hey gang, question. Some friends of mine have been encouraging me to start a Patreon, even if I don't think I have enough followers to justify starting one. So I figured I would ask y'all. If I started a Patreon, would any of y'all be willing to donate to it?


@DustianParkerv3 I think it'd be good, even if you don't get big a few dollars wouldn't hurt right?


@Wario_ If I haven't gotten any more responses soon, then I'll post the question in a chapter. I'd like to get a few more answers before I do it. 


@DustianParkerv3 that too, I'd always love to see more content from you, and I'd be fine pledging a bit every month. Imo it's a might as well thing. Plus exclusive content along with voting power are common things that easily benefit your style of content


heya! did you manage to get your old account back? glad you're still here btw!. love your stories!


oh sorry to hear, i hope you get it back soon!


@Dr_Karmo I have not but I thank you for the support