
Hey guys, I'm working on an update, I swear. Just a bit behind. I was injured last week so I fell behind on absolutely EVERYTHING! Sorry it is taking me so long 


@EOTT_BookClub I saw this message late but how your injury has healed:)


Stormy here. This group is never active and I’m not the original creator of this book. I was just a moderator. So a new group has been started by me and can be found in my personal reading list on my page! I’d love to have you all back, you were incredible members!


Hey there!
          I am Aanika..
          I wanted to join your club so what should I do?


Would love to 


@saviour_of_darkness this group has been closed for a while but I decided to reopen one on my own page, if you still want to join! 


I found out that in 3 months I need to find a job and apartment a hit away from home, so I have a lot of work I need to do. I will post a new update when things aren't as crazy! I hope to start getting things under control in the next few days. Sorry to make you wait!!