
          	This story may have some similarity with 'Love Is Blind' by XxBlondie99xX but I could assure you that the plot line is different from that story. The name, the setting, the characters is different too.
          	And I talked to XxBlondie99xX and she was very kind enough to let me continue with this story. I promise it will be completely different from Love Is Blind :)
          	Thank you :) 
          	Copyright © Bella Zamri 2012 
          	Fall 2011,
          	"Can we buy some chocolates?"
          	"No," I stated, crouching down to look at my ten year old sister. "You ate the whole candy floss for  yourself. No more candies for today." 
          	"Please.." Sophie pouted.
          	My little sister looked like any ten-year old girls would look like; she had dark brown hair, and blue eyes like my dad, and she was the kind of person who people really couldn't help falling in love with. 
          	She just kept looking at me with her pair of infamous puppy eyes that everyone would eventually fall for. 
          	Everyone but me. "No, Sophie. You can't." I told her once again. 
          	She grumbled, crossing her arms to her chest. "Whatever. Aaron will buy me some when he gets here," she said, looking away from me.
          	"If he ever gets here." I sighed, rolling my eyes. It'd been two hours of waiting, and there was still no sign of my ungrateful brother. It was bad enough I never had a cell phone, nor could I remember his phone number.
          	He didn't forget about us, did he?
          	So here I was, standing with my sister at the airport with our luggage, and I was wearing one of those lost person expressions.
          	I looked around, chewing my nails nervously. My feet were shifting uneasily. I really didn't know what  would do if he forgot to pick us today. 
          	The day was beautiful — the sun was shining brightly, typical Florida weather, and the sky streaked with red, pink and gold. At least the weather cheered me up a bit, even though it was warm compared to Lenoir. 
          	Growing up in a small village,..."