
So.  A lot of you must be wondering what the hell happened to me, and to Queen's Highway. Rest assured, I am working on the next chapter, and have been... for months.
          	Due to a lot of set backs, both personal, professional, emotional, and mental... it has been slow going. 
          	The biggest setback? 
          	My proofreader has quit on me. And i have no one to proof check for me, and it pisses me off, that i have to release a product that is not proofread. Call it personal pride.
          	With that being said... if anyone wants to be the awesome person, and step in,and help out? Please let me know!


If you’re still looking for someone- I am happy to help 


@EchoInsanity If you're still looking for someone, I'm definitely willing to help out!


So.  A lot of you must be wondering what the hell happened to me, and to Queen's Highway. Rest assured, I am working on the next chapter, and have been... for months.
          Due to a lot of set backs, both personal, professional, emotional, and mental... it has been slow going. 
          The biggest setback? 
          My proofreader has quit on me. And i have no one to proof check for me, and it pisses me off, that i have to release a product that is not proofread. Call it personal pride.
          With that being said... if anyone wants to be the awesome person, and step in,and help out? Please let me know!


If you’re still looking for someone- I am happy to help 


@EchoInsanity If you're still looking for someone, I'm definitely willing to help out!


I miss Brooklyn & Steve, hope all is well with you! 


@Kate07528 well, it’s posted, lol.  And I had to break it. Or it would have taken longer to get out.


I totally feel that- I work in the medical field & it’s been a nightmare being so understaffed. Glad to hear all is well & always looking forward to the next installment!


@Kate07528 it's okay.  The resear h I'm doing into chapter three, considering they are going to Mt Rushmore, is.. time consuming.  A lot of the history is slapping me in the face, and trying to be appropriately respectful of it is..  a minefield. As well as being understaffed at work, and picking up more shifts than I figured when I took the job.  It's coming! I promise!


So, you do something hoping for the best, but knowing it's not going to happen.  The Shortlist came out today.  Thank you to all my readers and followers.  Let's hope next year is kinder.


It takes a lot of gusto to put your writing out to the masses & a lot of talent to write a story everyone loves so much!  