
Yup, I haven't been active for weeks. And exactly when I came back, I got some bad news that my friend, @DiamondMagicalStar passed away. I think I might not be active for several days again.
          	Sorry, @Edelweiss_CLOY


@Edelweiss_CLOY accept my condolences


Hey is there going to be a general fiction category in the awards? 


@Edelweiss_CLOY okay thanks though! :) 


@Petons Sorry, but no. But maybe I might consider adding that for the next time. ;-)


In the switz awards? 


Okay. For some reason, Wattpad won't let me comment on a book, check the home screen, and some times won't let me log in!


Oh! And I thought that it was only me!


@Edelweiss_CLOY  I'm having homescreen issues. No load


@Edelweiss_CLOY sameeeee! It's so frustrating


Okay, I haven't been doing announcements that much in a day. So let's take a look at some announcements for this time!
          1. Check out Moonlight Graphics by @CrystalsofOurMinds and go to the chapter called Cover|Star_of_Water. Then take a look at the 3 covers and choose one that you like. Pm me which cover you like, either the first one, second, or third. Here is a link: https://www.wattpad.com/865896211-moonlight-graphics-cover-star_of_water
          2. We still need participants and judges for The Switz Awards 2020 Spring and The Neptune Awards.
          3. Help @SapphireCommunity gain some members! You can tag people in any chapter of their book, Sapphire Community Members [Hiring]. Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/220710024-sapphire-community-members-hiring
          4. Can someone give me some good book titles for a Mystery book? I'm planning to try writing new genres once when I'm not that busy.
          5. Stay safe! If you know that someone tagged you to their profile and talking about gift cards or sexting, then report their account. Mute them too. And if you want, tell @StarReporter about it.
          Okay! Spread these announcements! Maybe if you do, it might be good for you later! Well, not sure! Who knows?


Announcement Time!
          1. Last six slots for Historical Fiction in the Gemstone Awards hosted by @Min_Ju_Kim so spread the word to Historical Fiction writers! 
          2. We need help to decide what book cover should we use for the upcoming awards opening on May. 
          3. We need participants and mostly judges for The Switz Awards 2020 Spring!
          4. The Neptune Awards need participants! Well, judges too!
          5. Report to @StarReporter if you receive a tag by anyone who does sexting.


Please help us decide what book cover to use! Go to this book, then the chapter called, Cover | Star_of_Water, then look at the choices. To tell us whish one you liked, pm me. You should either say, "The first book cover.", "The second book cover.", or "The third book cover." Do not comment on the chapter your favorite cover. It is that you should only pm me.


Oh and forgot to tell you guys! The Switz Awards 2020 Spring Romance slots are full! Yay! But... we need 2 judges for Romance! Romance is a popular genre, so the slots can be full straight away most of the time, but how about those who like reading Romance?  Maybe you want to be a Romance judge to discover other Romance books while judging!


Hello everyone! I am in The Switz Awards, I am a co-host in The Neptune Awards. And guess what? I'm going to help in another awards! That awards is going to be published I think like in May. Well, at least in May, I get a break from The Switz Awards and maybe The Neptune Awards! So I won't be that busy in the like mid-May! Yay! For the upcoming awards that I was talking about, I won't tell you the name, but I'll give you some info!
          Here for advance to know some things:
          @CrystalsofOurMinds - Host and in charge of Fantasy
          @Star_of_Water - Co-host and in charge of Poetry
          @Edelweiss_CLOY - In charge of Romance
          @LunaStarsLight - In charge of Fanfiction
          @StarReporter - In charge of Short Story


@CrystalsofOurMinds @Star_of_Water No problem! Just to simply tell others about it so it is easy for the slots to fill up. 


@Edelweiss_CLOY Thanks for the advance announcement!


Hey guys! This is very important! Please report a woman named Heather_2712H. Just know that I don't want to tag her here so I didn't put the @. If you wish to know further details, go to @komal2016 's account and to conversations. You'll understand once you see it!


@StarReporter Why thank you for helping!


@Edelweiss_CLOY Hi there! I just want to inform you that I published a book about this complaint.


Good afternoon! Announcements for today are here!
          1. The Neptune Awards will post the Forms chapter by today!
          2. @CrystalofOurMinds made a book called Moonlight Graphics. She is wishing for advice and feedback so she can improve!
          3. The Switz Awards! Remember the deadline! We need judges and participants!
          There will be more announcements today, so stay tuned!