
Hi Edward,
          Fancy remembering my name  lol  I read your first novel, but such a long time ago that I can't remember it very well.  I do remember being  very excited when it was published  :)  You were probably the first of our "class" to become famous! Great to hear you have more published; I must look your books up  :)  
          I am still writing. I had The Naked Room (1st) and The Celibate Mouse (the followup) workshopped on the NBW and they are both published, and in December I published the third, After Ariel. I had a long break owing to a trip to the USA for two months (great fun) and a bout with cancer in 2013 which is still being monitored and I'm doing well.  I have some short stories (mostly involving ratties) on Amazon as well.  My books are everywhere else too, but because I didn't publish with Sol, he caste me out of his circles and refused to put my books in the NBW store. Pity, but I chose to go with an Indie contractor who lives  an hour or so away from us so I could go and throw rocks on his roof if he did the wrong thing! He didn't and I published my next two with his company as well. Two thousand words into the fourth but now I'm ancient (71 in 2 weeks time) it may well be the last!
          BTW I'm still "into" rats and currently have four  :)
          Lovely to connect with you and please don't lose touch, will you?


Hi Aubry, I am sure we met on the Next Big Writer site back in 2006 and you left not that long after. I know you wrote a fabulous book which received recognition. How did that go and what are you up to now?  BTW, I was known as Cadfael on the NBW site  :)


@DianaHockley Of course I remember you.  A rat enthusiast, as I recall.  Sol published my first two novels under his World Maker Media imprint.  My third got picked up by a small press and was released two months ago.  Are you still writing?