
Omg finally, finally, finally I have updated Chapter 11! It has been taking me an increasing amount of time to write and I believe that the last time I wrote an update convo thing was in February! I promised you guys that I would post it up but that failed so here it is! I'm so sorry for the lack of deadlines as such because I have tons of assignments to do...hence me stressing out right here! Enjoy this chapter because it's going to get interesting soon. 


Hello there thanks for adding my books Something Good and Our stars Aligned to your reading list :) Happy Reading ❤ 


@HappieGeetie21 No worries, can't wait to read it!


Omg finally, finally, finally I have updated Chapter 11! It has been taking me an increasing amount of time to write and I believe that the last time I wrote an update convo thing was in February! I promised you guys that I would post it up but that failed so here it is! I'm so sorry for the lack of deadlines as such because I have tons of assignments to do...hence me stressing out right here! Enjoy this chapter because it's going to get interesting soon. 


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Hello guys,
          I do apologise for not writing Chapter Eleven for TPWADT, I have been super busy with school and all that shit and haven't been able to find the time to publish that chapter or even write it. There's so much revolving around my life right now and I seem to be losing the plot sometimes so please bear with me when it comes to this sort of stuff. Know that when the school year rolls around and comes back things just normally get hectic. 
          Please wait for the next chapter to be published! I'll be conscientiously writing away for now....
          Peace out xx


Ello fellow people! 
          I just want to apologise for taking so long in writing Chapter 10 of TPWADT. For some reason, it's taking me quite a long time to finish writing it. I've also got the first chapter of It's Always Gonna Be About Love published. And yes, I think this is going to be a novella...not too sure! Enjoy! 
          EdwinaWrites :)


Hello guys, 
          I just wanted to say that thank you all for your support! I've gotten 210 reads on my novel and I couldn't be any more prouder than I am right now. Chapter Nine has been published, sorry for taking really long, I had a lot of things to do since school has just ended for the year where I live. Summer vacay is here and I have all the time in the world to write for you lovelies! Keep being updated and posted with the novel! 
          EdwinaWrites xx


I can hardly even believe my eyes. 176 READS?! ALREADY?! *faints* To be honest, I cannot even tell you all how thankful I am to have you read my novel. It's quite an amazing feat to have achieved this much in only 10 days since my existence here on Wattpad was created. I SINCERELY would love to thank you all for supporting me and being the backbone of my writing. I could hardly even call it a career yet but it's in the making. Chapter Eight has been published (well should I say) WAS published three hours ago so you can go have a read. Chapter Nine will be long so I might take majority of two to three days to get that chapter done. 
          I'm so glad I've been able to keep the novel updated each day because I don't like being lazy and not write. Writing runs in my blood and I must say to write NINE chapters in a short period of time is great. I'm proud of the work but I'd say it will get better once I edit it after it's done. 
          Thank you again, lovelies for voting and reading my novel! 
          Love you lots,
          EdwinaWrites xx


Thank you so much for hitting 111 reads on my novel! I'm so proud and in awe of how many people have actually read my novel. I didn't think I'd ever be able to reach that amount. Chapter Seven has just been published so go and have a read! That chapter is immensely long so you might just want to sit back, relax and enjoy a cup of tea and read. 
          I hope you enjoy the journey Eadlin has gone on, because I have a secret for you all; there's more to her journey to come! ;) ;) 
          Oh, did you guys catch my new cover for my novel? My lovely friend: samawignall26 created the cover and I absolutely love it! I've never been able to create my own covers so having someone put their artistic ability to use is great! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and keep up to date with the Chapters! Any queries ask them here on Wattpad! 
          EdwinaWrites <3


@samawignall26 Awww....Sama thank you so much! Your cover gave me great inspiration for my novel. Great to be working with you...♡♡♡♡


@EdwinaWrites <3 What a huge achievement Edwina :) And still counting (157 reads currently). So glad I jumped on board with you.


Thank you so much for all the people that I have followed me in the past few days. I am so excited to show you what I have written and have been updating the chapters on a regular basis. I love to keep my followers up to date with my novel/writing and I don't like stalling for a couple of days, if you do know what I mean? I like my readers to constantly be kept on their toes with the novel as I'm writing along...I only just joined Wattpad like a few days ago but I'm already loving the support from you guys! Thank you so much for supporting me. This has been my lifelong dream to become an author. This is a starting point and only just the beginning but I hope the EdwinaWrites family grows bigger...in the near future! 
          Until next time....
          EdwinaWrites xx