
Jess Under Pressure - my womens' fiction novel, chapter I published on Wattpad! https://www.wattpad.com/story/97481657


Happy day to all my new and not so new followers! Wanted to let you know that I sent the ALICE II manuscript to my publishers and I can't wait for it to be available to read! I'm so excited for Part II and doubly excited that Alice and Claudio's story is continuing! I'll send out more information as I get it, but in the meantime, please read the excerpt from ALICE OF THE ROCKS Part I - it's a sweeping romance between a servant and a count that spans 500 years! Happy reading! E. xoxo


Hi Friends! Have not been very active on Wattpad lately because I've been crazy busy. I was at Word On The Street Festival last week - which I never dreamed I would be invited to as it is the largest book and magazine fair in Canada - and hosts some amazing Canadian authors including Patrick Dewitt.  For videos and pics, please go to my website or go to my YouTube channel through my site to see readings and book trailers!! If you ned any advice on publishing or writing, just drop me a line through my website and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
          E. xo


Hi Everyone - thanks to my new followers - you are all awesome! I have just added my newest book which will be published and available everywhere April 14th - it's about World War II and my mom's village in Italy - Nazis invaded her town and it is about her and her family's struggles as they try to cope with the constant threat of bombings from the Allies and the cruelty of the Nazi soldiers. Watch the trailer, too and let me know what you think!


Hi there, followers! So happy to report that my YA time travel romance novel ALICE OF THE ROCKS hit Amazon #1 Bestseller in its category - teen historical fiction! 
          You can check out my I Am an Author interview on digiwriting.com - click this link - http://digiwriting.com/writing-tips/i-am-a-writer-series-writing-tips-from-e-graziani/  - Then let me know what you think!
          Next up for me - WAR IN MY TOWN to launch in a little over a month in Toronto and then on May 2nd in Hamilton!
          Message me here or on my website! I'd love to chat!


Hi Everyone!
          Thanks to my new followers and welcome - I want to share one of my recent interviews with you. It's about 5 minutes in length and I get to talk about my inspiration, my process and what makes me write! I also get to plug my upcoming book! Please visit my website when you're done and let me know what you think! 


In addition to ALICE OF THE ROCKS - I have a book for young readers coming soon!
          "WAR IN MY TOWN" Spring 2015
          With great pride, I share this with young readers in Canada and the U.S. in March of this year - 2015 will mark the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII and the liberation of Auschwitz
          Concentration Camp. My mother's memoirs will help to mark this occasion by telling her story, as only one of millions of others who survived this terrible chapter in our history. Hers is the story of a young girl caught on the Gothic Line in Italy in the dying days of WWII. Find it at - Second Story Press