
this message may be offensive
HEY ALL. so. First of all. there have been some major changes in my life.
          	im now single and thats awesome. i know that sounds mental but i have been for 6 months now. 
          	im also trans. which i know is sort of a trend nowadays but believe me, it wasnt an easy ting to deal with. ive known since i was 18 but i had kids and was super stupid and panicky about the whole thing.
          	so. to clarify. my name is alex. and i actually really care about my pronouns so he/him is great. thanks for being so patient while i dragged myself outta hell guys. you're all fucking awesome


this message may be offensive
HEY ALL. so. First of all. there have been some major changes in my life.
          im now single and thats awesome. i know that sounds mental but i have been for 6 months now. 
          im also trans. which i know is sort of a trend nowadays but believe me, it wasnt an easy ting to deal with. ive known since i was 18 but i had kids and was super stupid and panicky about the whole thing.
          so. to clarify. my name is alex. and i actually really care about my pronouns so he/him is great. thanks for being so patient while i dragged myself outta hell guys. you're all fucking awesome


this message may be offensive
Im actually back guys. 
          Holy shit. So ive been awol for a long time. Because after 10 years... 
          My anxiety and depression have finally been dealt with. I have the medication and help i need. I have the motivation and the routine and the will to fight this. 
          So chapter 16 will be up by the end of august. That is a solemn promise. And every month after that i will post a new chapter. Because after almost 3 years... You guys deserve this. I wont let you all down. Xxxxx


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I posted it. chapter 13. it probably sucks, and I'm sorry. and you all probably don't want to read it but that's fine. I did this for me. I needed to get back into the swing of things... and this was the best I had


i knew there was a reason you're my favourite person on here :p


@EerieFalls.  Yay for the update!!!   You are a wonderful author Stevi.  Never doubt that and stay inspired.  ☺


so, just noticed the demographics icon  may i say it's just the most useful thing ever? i always hought more girls would be reading my book but nope. a whopping 54% of my readers are males ages 13-18. 23% are girls and the other 23% are undisclosed. i must say that i rather like it. makes me feel all good inside and junks.... yeah boy....


so i'm kind of a huge pain and i'm really sorry people. i've recently just had TWO children. one after the other, and the pregnancies made me super ill. i almost died, but now i'm slowly recovering and back on track and the newest chapter of a town called eerie will be posted on 31st october :) i know it's been a long time coming and i hope you all still want to read it it but i promise that this series is well worth the wait. i think. thanks guys! EeRiE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


@EerieFalls So glad to hear that you are back and doing well !   I know I fell in love with A Town Called Eerie when I first read it.  I'm excited to see the upcoming updates!  Thank you for continuing the journey for us and many blessings to you and your children!


So I haven't posted anything for A Town Called Eerie lately. And that's my fault. I've had a lot going on. Stuff I don't really want to talk about. But what I do want to talk about is my book. I really want to publish this. It's my baby. I spent the last 4 years researching and checking my facts, building the plotline and characters. It's book 1 of 7. But I need to know you guys love it? I have nearly 1,500 fans, but not even 80 votes. For the people who have voted... THANK YOU! and to those who haven't read it yet. Please just have a look? Thanks guys. I love you. Xxxx


@EerieFalls well please update soon!!

