
I have made some minor grammatical edits to the first chapter of the Fall of Icarus! I am slowly making my way through it, and I hope to get to the Life of Stars soon!


Literally writing this at two minutes past mid mess but I just wanted to see what the craic was with my wattpad account you know? It’s been so long. So long that I’m now in my third year of an ancient history degree, now more of a Rome girl than a Greek girl. Interesting to see what changes over time.
          I don’t know if I’ll come back to writing on here, I might not for a while because the third year of Uni is ROUGH and I’ve only just started  but I might. Why knows? Maybe I’ll start with revising my old books; as much as I love them, they’ve probs oh aged a little bit.
          I don’t know if anyone has stuck around in my silence, but if you have, thanks.
          Drusus Livia


Honestly guys I dip for almost a year and I come back to see Fall of Icarus has reached 5k reads? You guys are the best❤️
          (I promise I’ll update the Fall of Stars at SOME POINT, though I can’t promise it’ll be soon)


Right guys, jusr to let you know i will be editing the spacer in The Life of Stars because APPARENTLY i don't know how to send files over (i got a new laptop). I will be updating the story soon, please bear with me x


Hi! I just wanted to let you all know that The Fall of Icarus has won another award! It came first place in the Atlas Awards LGBTQ+ category, and I just wanted to thank everyone who read it and interacted with it. I'm super proud of it and I can't thank you guys enough for making this possible. 


I hope everyone is having a good day, whether you celebrate Christmas or not. Things have been wild this year, and when it's over I can't say I'll miss it, but there have been parts of 2020, little smidgens of light, that have made the struggle somewhat easier. 
          My writing/publishing schedule has been atrocious,  and my sleeping schedule even worse, but the little bits of writing i have managed to do I am very proud of. I am in the process of rewriting 'The Art of F**cking Up' and I am loving it so far, The Fall of Icarus had really come into its' own and I have a 20,000+ words manuscript sitting somewhere on my laptop that I am extremely proud of (though I don't know if anyone will ever see it). 
          To not thank those who voted on my work, commented on it, and spent their time reading it would be a crime, so thank you. Thank you all so much for wasting your time on me and my writing. I don't think I could ever express how grateful i am to you. Thank you. 
          I don't know how  next year will go, but i hope it goes well.  It might be a little crazy,  it'll be crazy for me anyway. I've got pretty important exams waiting for me in 2021, and I'm hoping that, come September, I'll be attending university. I can't promise updates will be frequent,  but there'll be updates nevertheless.  
          Dum Spiro Spero
          (where there is life, there is hope)
          Drusus Livia