
I know all the Sanzu fans are probably out to get me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nah it’s ok I’m not in it for the smut I just really like the plot to unknown addiction 


          	  'Unknown addiction' won't be out for another week maybe and if you're waiting for the Sanzu smut in 'Bonten's innocence' then that's going to take even longer unfortunately 


I know all the Sanzu fans are probably out to get me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ᴼ⁠ل͜⁠ᴼ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Nah it’s ok I’m not in it for the smut I just really like the plot to unknown addiction 


            'Unknown addiction' won't be out for another week maybe and if you're waiting for the Sanzu smut in 'Bonten's innocence' then that's going to take even longer unfortunately 


I've been so busy with the editing of 'his blue spider lily' hard work guys I've added an additional like six chapters by the time I release it, it may already be completed


            Thank you and don't worry I'm fine, at least until school starts again 


Yay!!! Can’t wait to read it (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ. Make sure to take breaks tho (⌒▽⌒) 


          I'm also currently editing 'Under the ice and snow' because the writing style is not giving and I have a lot of plot holes to fill, might also change the name if needed, if you read it before and hated it because of the way it was written I'll advise you to try again after a month there will be significant changes I can assure you.
          'Bonten's love' is under reconstruction at the moment, but it'll take about three months for the new version to be out so please be patient I'm trying to make it juicer since it was my first story, it will also be extended for more context, meaning more chapters and maybe a different ending, it will be published as a completely different book, although the date of release is still unsure since there is still much to work on.
          'Unknown addiction' will be put on a slow update along with 'His blue spider lily' because of the other projects being tended to, you might get updates but not as frequently as before maybe once in two weeks, please bare with me if you are a fan of these books, I will do my best to sneak in more chapters here and there if time permitting me.
          Also thank you for all the support on my books it means alot to see my small account grow bigger than I originally expected.


I look forward to reading more of your writing!!! I REALLY LOVE your books!!! I give you my support (•̀ᴗ•́)و ❤️