
LA ISLA ESMERALDA will undergo a structural edit. Apologies :( I want to write a good story and I think  I’ve been half-assing it this whole time. 


I AM SORRY!!! If anyone is reading any of the stories, Im sorry for not updating. Ive been trying to write but ive been so down and idk wtf is happening to my mental health ay this point. Transferring to another school and shifting to another course is difficult because everything is delayed  by this pandemic. I felt so uninspired and afraid of writing bad chapters so I will put it on hold muna. I will use the entire august to write as much as i want and give me a buffer incase i fall i to another writers block!! I do have the draft pf the stories’ plots down but every now and then I feel like changjng something and I want the quality to be as high as possible. I promise talaga, September!! the stories will be back 


ive crawled out of depression i will post the next chapter this week. Maybe even try to post a chapter every week. I apologize for the inconvenience as my confidence with writing is at an all time low coupled with the fact that I might shift from pnu to lpu :( hopefully it will all go smoothly. 


Writing a lead female character for La isla Esmeralda is so difficult.
          I mean, I could go the easy route and give her the typical YA heroine traits like being headstrong, hating makeup, being a plain girl yet somehow attracting all d boiz in the novel, and also being able to sucker punch someone (despite not even having any background in fighting).
          Or, I could turn her into a damsel in distress, who would always rely on Matteo.
          But, cliches are tiring. 
          I’m tired of reading characters that are flat, without any character growth or development and yet I can’t seem to stop writing one. 


Been proofreading the next chapter of la isla esmeralda. Hopefully I can post it within the week! Been busy taking care of my kittens ‍♀️ and been trying to balance chores and writing T-T Thank you for those who have read the story, voted, and added to their reading lists! it motivates me sobmuvh ❣️