
Read my recent conversation pls!!!!!! i dont think i turned on “announce this to my followers” for it lmao oops


Hey y’all, been a while.
          Yes, I’m still working on New Haven
          Yes, it’s coming along slower than expected due to not only life stuff, but planning for the third draft has started  i got sm ideas on how to further improve it so i had to start on it
          Even though third draft is like, faaaaaaaar into the future, I think I’ll move it to another platform other than Wattpad. Maybe AO3. Most likely AO3.
          Not to mention I’m still going through uni and got my social life to keep up with, also the fact that I recently picked art back up and am gaining confidence in my ability!!!!!!!!
          Long story short, idk when draft 2 or series 2 will be done. They are being worked on (my drafts be looking insane) but the plan is to just dump it all on y’all when I’m done so I can move on to third draft.
          Anyways, uh
          Follow me @TrulyDevilish on twitter for my art progress and maybe some New Haven stuff? 
          If y’all are interested ofc :)
          (probably should have made an update a while ago akdnwkdoxkskaksss i apologize. to those who kept up with new haven, thank you sincerely ❤️❤️❤️)


Avalanche’s second draft is done!!!!!!! 
          Also, a bit of reorder from here on out
          Initially, the order of books was:
          1. United
          2. Avalanche
          3. Apocalypse
          4. Trespass
          5. Revolt
          6. Quest
          7. War
          The second draft’s order will be:
          1. United
          2. Avalanche
          3. Revolt
          4. Apocalypse
          5. Trespass
          6. Quest
          7. War
          So if you’re new to New Haven at this time, keep that in mind!!!! Revolt is next!