
When I have writer's block and I have no idea how to continue a story, I often think of a possible scene that could perfectly fit into the chapter that I'm stuck on. Then, I write the scene in the notes of my phone, writing mostly dialogues and not paying too much attention to the descriptions but only focusing on the actions. Then, I write a better version of the scene on Wattpad. That's how I get rid of writer's block. You should try this method too!


@DrinkABeerBro Thats cool. I mostly scribble my chapters before polishing it again in wattpad.


When I have writer's block and I have no idea how to continue a story, I often think of a possible scene that could perfectly fit into the chapter that I'm stuck on. Then, I write the scene in the notes of my phone, writing mostly dialogues and not paying too much attention to the descriptions but only focusing on the actions. Then, I write a better version of the scene on Wattpad. That's how I get rid of writer's block. You should try this method too!


@DrinkABeerBro Thats cool. I mostly scribble my chapters before polishing it again in wattpad.