
Hey Ellesmera7749~~Thanx for  your votes on "The Tattooed Princess." And because you are new to my work, and such a sweetie, I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone . . . and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :)
          Warning: There's some mature content in Part 4--but not anything you probably haven't already . . . thought about . . . or do yourself sometimes in those solitary moments :) 

          Enjoy my reads. 


Elle~~Thanx for that! You made my day.


@Califia No problem, I'm really enjoying "The Tattooed Princess" so thank you :) 


Have you by any chance read the Inheritance Cycle? Your username suggests so, and it's like, my favorite series..


@Ellesmera7749 i had read the books about 3 times by the time I saw the movie.  My father had also read the books so we spent the whole movie criticising the way it didn't follow the books at all.


@intentionalmistakes I watched the movie before I knew there was a book series so I loved it, after I read the books I rewatched the movie and hated it. I watched it with my brother the second time and I kept saying that didn't happen this should have actually happened. He was so annoyed be me that he went an read the books himself


@Ellesmera7749. Somehow I didn't notice my username instead of yours^^^^ sorry


Thank you for following me... I feel so excited to have a fellow South African on here. Nou kan ons maatjies wees...


@Ellesmera7749 Hi, thanks, i love werewolf books, just put that one in my library. I've read most of AutherrUnknown. Also love her stuff. You will not regret ElleMThomas, she is the bomb. Her plots are great, her books are well written and she interacts with you as a reader. Whenever you comment on her books, she always replies. My only regret is that I've read all her books. So I've actually started rereading some of them, she is that wonderful.


@Tessa29 I love AutherrUnknown's books there aren't many but I really enjoyed them :)


@Tessa29 Hi, I love a good book and their honestly hard to find so i'll go have a look at that authors profile. I really enjoyed Rejecting the Alpha by Kira_t10. It's a werewolf book but I really enjoyed it. I will have to go have a look to see what other books I really enjoyed but theirs so many books in my library that it takes awhile to find a specific book.