How's you n hows yo fam? IF you got one hehe.
          	Okay so! I need y'all's help in something. 
          	I need some bomb ass covers for my book "Healed with scars". And I BELIEVE IN Y'ALL'S CREATIVITY also I am pretty lazy to make a good one. Soooo spare some time and make meh a cover- okie fwanks<3
          	Ps; Private message me when you're done and I'll share my discord where you can give me the cover's pic. I SHALL BE GRATEFUL.
          	ILY pretty lads♡


          How's you n hows yo fam? IF you got one hehe.
          Okay so! I need y'all's help in something. 
          I need some bomb ass covers for my book "Healed with scars". And I BELIEVE IN Y'ALL'S CREATIVITY also I am pretty lazy to make a good one. Soooo spare some time and make meh a cover- okie fwanks<3
          Ps; Private message me when you're done and I'll share my discord where you can give me the cover's pic. I SHALL BE GRATEFUL.
          ILY pretty lads♡


this message may be offensive
Tw: I am bouta spit shit exactly outta mah heart:>
          Do you ever get tired of waiting for the right moment, the right person to come..
          I always was scared of people leaving me, turning their backs on me. But as i grew up i realized that they were never there by heart in the first place. It was just a illusion, A perect image created by my young naive soul. I was a person who was scared of dark, scared of death but now these are fascinating for me...life teaches you lessons no educational institution could ever teach. Life taught me how to fake a smile. But sometimes I get tired of it, I don't like how I have to fake a smile towards the people who hurt me both mentally and emotionally, I don't like how I have to fake a laugh every single time someone makes fun of me. Its sickening how nobody is perfect yet looks for faults n flaws in other people.
          Fuck the society


Bestie it'll get better eventually, nothing is permanent not pain not happiness♡


this message may be offensive
@Em_YO_MOMMA girl Idk what to say cus srsly almost everyone Ik is going through this phase. you won't believe I just came back from my aunt's place and I feel so tired cus I have been fake smiling laughing like everything is perfect when irl nothing is going right fuck perfect It's not even right. 


Can someone please recommend me some books with awesome humor, Really need something to distract me from life.
          Love y'all♡


Bad Boy Roommate by @grraciie_ 


don't mind me just casually looking for rec too


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better <3 


@ScarlettBlackDaisy Your most welcome girl❤ Its worth it already♡