
(( omg. I haven't Been On Emi in forever. ))


Emi ran through the streets of Konoha, panting. She kept glancing behind her, but she could not see as well as she could in the daytime, why did she have to be stupid and forget her Kunai and shurikan at home? 
          " Heyy! Little girl..there you are. " Emi ran straight into the three men at the end of the street, falling onto her butt. 
          Her eyes were wide, her breath coming out in short little gasps, as the first man picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder, " Put me down! " She screamed, pounding on his back. 
          The man did not listen as he started walking, Nobody was out, everyone was asleep, so that meant there was no one to hear Emi's cries, as they faded away into the darkness, and she was thrown into a tiny cell. 
          The last thing she saw was the menacing eyes of the three men.


Emi blushed, glaring at Nikki, her admin, " D-do I have To W-wear this..? " She tired covering herself with a blanket, but Nikki snatched the blanket away, " Yes! It's your Halloween costume! A Sexy Bunny! " Emi blushed even more, turning the color of her hair, " H-happy Halloween E-eeveryone! " She covered herself with her arms.


(( Ok. I want drama. So here i go c:< ))
          Emi walked up the steps of her front porch, going to open the door, but stopped when she heard screaming inside. 
          /That bastard./ She thought as she ran in the house, She followed the screaming and her eyes widened in horror as she saw the knife find it's way into her mother's heart. 
          She dropped to her knees, the one person she loved, the one person she cared for, gone. She screamed, screamed in terror, in fear, and in anger. 
          Pink charka circulated around her, sending her hair flying, as if there was a wind storm. Her eyes turned a magenta color, the pupil turned pink. 
          The chakra did not diminish as she stood, making her way over to her father, grabbing him by the neck she pushed him against the wall. 
          " E-emi... S-stop.. " He tried begging, but it was no use. Emi's morbid eye had taken over. 
          (( Ok. The morbid eye is a made up Kekkai Genkai i have. I HAVE NO IDEA IF SOMEONE ELSE MADE THIS UP, OR IF THEY HAVE IT. It just came into my head. What it is, every 10 decades, A young women named Mika, sealss herself inside a baby girl, Mika is not a bad person, but her most passionate emotion is Love, so it sometimes rubs off on Her Host. Explaining Emi's lose of control right now, The Morbid eye is usually not used for Fighting, but for healing, BUT you CAN use it for fighting. ))


*casually strolls in* Eh, Emi? you here?


Mai grinned and glomped Emi, "You better have~!"


She smiled a small smile, " Yea.. I missed you. "


((oh~! Right 3rd person >:3 )) Mai open her closed eye and gasped, "Emi~! I HAVENT SEEN U IN FOREVER~!!"


(( You guy's get a little insight of Emi's Life... ))
          Emi skipped down the street's of Konoha smiling ear to ear. She waved to everyone as she went past them, the poor Inuzuka girl didn't know how bad her day would be. 
          Her smile vanished as her house came into view. Slowing down, she started walking, instead of her happy skip. She stopped in front of the house, all the light's were off. Indicating no one was home. 
          She slowly went into the house. The eerie quietness creeped her out, turning on lights as she went, she slipped into her room. She looked around the bare room, she noticed a small puddle of blood on the floor, and frowned. 
          Getting the towel she always kept in her room, she cleaned it up. She jumped when she heard the front door slam. The heavy footsteps meant her dad was home, the small ones that followed after meant her mother was also home. 
          They reseeded to the kitchen, and Emi got up, peeking out of her door that was opened a crack. Just by the way her dad looked, she could tell he was drunk. 
          He had grabbed a sake bottle, and was trying to drink it. He was having difficulty because Emi's mom wasn't letting him. Emi ran out of her room right before her Dad's hand came in contact with her Mom's face. 
          That's why she was here. To protect her Mom from this man she called her dad. She looked into her Dad's blazing eyes, and prepared herself. She was thrown into the wall, and beat. Her cries of pain blocked out by her mother begging her father to stop. 
          Soon, when her father finally stopped, and probably left to go get drunk again, her mother tended to Emi. Even though this was Emi's everyday life, she kept her smile on her face.


@Emi_Inuzuka Do you uh....wanna go do something with me? I'm really in the mood to hang out with a friend.




            She waved back, " Hey. "