
Haven’t been inspired lately I’m so sorry yall.
          	Any update requests?


Currently have a new chapter of Cruel Summer being worked on but it may take a couple days because I want to try to write longer chapters to get in more information.
          How are we feeling about a possible book 3 if I don't wrap everything up in Cruel Summer?


Hi… nice to see ya.
          So, I’ve been working a lot more than normally.
          Usually I would work just mornings but since october, I work all day Monday and Friday for 9 hours. Wednesday and Thursday 4 hours, Saturday 6 hours. 
          I work at a doggy daycare so I work a lot of hours. I could try to write while I’m at work but I usually get yelled at. So I’m doing my best here.
          Along with that, my house is a complete total mess and I just got engaged so we’re trying to get things under control and together and start to slowly plan our wedding and figure all that out.
          So I’m gonna try to write if I can, if not, the stories will sit til I have more time unless you want small chapters.
          Otherwise, I’m happy to be back. :)