
Duskwood Stories
          	Book 1 - Richy Roger
          	Book 2 - Phil Hawkins
          	Book 3 - Dan Anderson
          	Book 4 - Alan Bloomgate
          	Book 5 - Thomas Miller
          	The person behind the events of Duskwood will be different for each book. The other books won't be started until the previous book is finished. I may however post the first chapter of each book which will be the cast list.


Duskwood Stories
          Book 1 - Richy Roger
          Book 2 - Phil Hawkins
          Book 3 - Dan Anderson
          Book 4 - Alan Bloomgate
          Book 5 - Thomas Miller
          The person behind the events of Duskwood will be different for each book. The other books won't be started until the previous book is finished. I may however post the first chapter of each book which will be the cast list.


Note: I'm sorry if this put's a damper on anyone's Holiday mood, but I really had to get this off my chest. Thank you for reading my rant and Happy Holiday's.
          I wish I could say that I'm excited that it's almost Christmas like I am every year, but this time is different. Because this will be the first christmas without my Grandpa and Uncle (Grandpa's best friend). My grandpa passed away January 11th of this year and not even 6 months later my uncle passed away. I was really close with my Grandpa having spent most of my childhood with him. The last time we had talked on the phone we had been talking about my college graduation (May 21st) and how I was only 3 classes away from graduating. Mom told me after grandpa passed that he was really proud of me and that I was going to be the first grandchild to graduate from college (I'm the youngest of 8). These last few days I've been having daydreams about what my graduation might have been like if he had been there to give me a hug, tell me how proud he is, and to hear him call me Sweet Pea again (it was his nick name for me because I loved the smell of Sweet Pea's).