
Hey, check out my new story Piano Man that I actually will start to write if people like it.


          So I had a story, Sir. It was a collab and the collab failed. I deleted the story from everything, it is no longer existent. But I remember it because it was successful, so if I get the time, I will begin writing that again.
          I put home and oyclmtw in drafts since I accidentally deleted the last chapter of home and will be rewriting that. So when I do, I will post them again. Help will continue, I'm getting more time to update. Also, if you could PLEASE read my new story Free Candy. Kinda excited about it.
          I'm thinking of making an interactive book. At the end of each chapter, I will post three things that could happen in the next chapter and whichever idea gets the most votes will happen. I think people will enjoy it and you can add ideas to my idea to make it even more what you want. I will add some twists and things, but I think it'll be fun so please reply to this about the stories or if you think an interactive book would be good to start.
          I love you all and I'm hopefully back for long again!!