
Hello my lovely followers as you may all know tomorrow is the decision about whether to repeal or pass the net neutrality thing. As I am from America there may be a possibility that I may no longer have access to wattpad. If it is passed I will no longer be able to write anything on wattpad or basically have access to many things. I just wanted to tell you all that I will miss you guys and thank you for the votes on what I published. So I guess...this is possibly a good bye. Stay awesome you guys. Stay awesome.


Hello my lovely followers as you may all know tomorrow is the decision about whether to repeal or pass the net neutrality thing. As I am from America there may be a possibility that I may no longer have access to wattpad. If it is passed I will no longer be able to write anything on wattpad or basically have access to many things. I just wanted to tell you all that I will miss you guys and thank you for the votes on what I published. So I guess...this is possibly a good bye. Stay awesome you guys. Stay awesome.


Thank you so much for the follow! (。・ω・。)


@BunnyBoy-Noiz it's okay. I have honestly grown used to it. I probably shouldn't be used to death since I'm only 15 but there's nothing I can do about it. What's done is done.


@Emily_Osti_6 Ah well I still apologize because I personally can't handle death all too well. 


@BunnyBoy-Noiz don't worry about it. It doesn't bother me I'm asked about it all the time since I live with my older sister.its just a normal conversation for me.




@TheLesbianTiger we only have the first chapter posted for now.


@TheLesbianTiger rlly? That sounds AMZAING! I will read it if you post it!


@TheLesbianTiger oh and thank you for telling me what you think of my stories I tried hard. I'm actually writing the one called "A Temporary Me" with my friend from school.