
Just so everyone knows I have broken up with my boyfriend so I am back living with my Mum where there is no pc or internet so updates will have long gaps. I hope that's alright :/


To anyone awaiting the next chapter of Light's Messenger I am so sorry I haven't posted any updates or anything regarding it. I am have just been so bogged down in university work and right this second I am sick so I will try to get it to you as soon as possible.


Yesterday my Uncle passed away. I loved him dearly so this hurts. I am going to take a break from writing for a little bit and just focus on my university work for now. I'll update you all when I feel ready to write again. The loss of an Uncle may seem like nothing but to me he was everything, he treated me better than my own father does. That's saying something.


Just some of my musings. I'm starting to not like a lot of what Fantasy on Wattpad has to offer. There seem to be a lot of elitists who are not willing to hear your opinion and will just ignore you completely, especially on the forums.


No more procrastinating. The next chapter of Light's Messenger will be out tomorrow :)


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@EmmaBrown1995 this is wattpad. Post whenever you feel like it. Writing is based on you. Of you wanna wait 2 months till u post another chapter, it's your fucking right. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!