
          I have no idea what to do I think my friend likes me but I don't like him back and he called me hot and pretty and I don't know what to do cuz I don't want to hurt his feelings but I do not like him 
          Then he said that guys don't like it when girls call them guy and bro all the time cuz I was calling him guy and bro all the time cuz I was friends zoning him so hard and and I asked why and he was like cuz it makes them feel like they're never going to get out of the friend zone and I straight up gave up on being subtle about it and I just said you're not and he's like haha yeah and I was like and you don't want to be and he's like I'm not going to answer that and then I hung up and pretended like I had bad service and then I was texting him I sent him a picture and I was like dude it's so hot you'd think Walkers Scobell was in here and he said yeah or you and I did not know how to respond I was just like no and he was like yeah not me but you definitely and I was like no not me stop that and he's like oh sorry typo
          Like seriously I need help I don't know what to do


@IHaveProblems12342 oh. well he's not worth it then babe.


@IHaveProblems12342 he just avoided my questions and then hung up 


So I like the same guy as my friend
          I'll call the guy G and the friend P. So P and I have been friends for a few years and a few months ago she brought a cute guy to youth group G and so me and G immediately hit it off and he's so cute and sweet and funny and I don't know what to do I have not told P I like him and she says she doesn't like him anymore but idk 


@IHaveProblems12342 oop. Well if you're supportive good for you. if not, welp, we can only be so perfect, we're human. good luck buddy.


@Emmalin2011 nope they're dating like I was at her house yesterday and they were texting and she said "I kinda want to say I love you" and he said "I love you there I said it first" and we all screamed we were so excited she said "I love you too" soooooo yeah


@IHaveProblems12342 I'm glad you told her. If you still like him tho and she's not interested I'd recommend one day randomly being like "P, I know we're friends, and I value our friendship more than you'll ever know. But I like G, and I hope you respect that. I'm going to talk to G." I'd just say it, no context, just randomly. I don't know, just trying to help.