Oh hey there! Basically if you have found this profile you are either very lost, saw that I commented on someone's book and decided to click on my profile for some reason, or I actually had the balls to post some of my books and you found my profile through that. Whatever way you found me, welcome. I think this is where I'm supposed to share a bit about myself. Let's see what do I want the internet to know about me??? Well firstly, just to be up front with you, I'm a little crazy although, in all honesty, who isn't? My favorite pastimes besides writing are drawing, reading(duh), daydreaming about people I want to date but never will, and listening to music. Some of favorite bands are: MCR, Three Days Grace, FOB, The Killers, Breaking Benjamin and the occasional Green Day. I've been told I'm kind of emo(which usually deny, dispute the fact that most of the bands I like are emo but whatever).
I'm going to be honest most of the books I write are pretty shitty and I often take them down after some time if I don't feel like I wrote them good enough so if you are actually here because you like my stories, I am sorry in advance because it is very likely updates will take time and I will probably take them down and put them back up more than once.
Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed that little description of me. Follow me for the roller coaster of my writing adventures. And hey if that's not enough to gain a follow, I will follow all of my followers back!
  • A Black Hole
  • JoinedMay 8, 2016