Hey everyone, I’m trying out something new a little different since I haven’t been able to get past this writers block, let me know what you think?


Hey again Everyone! 
          I have missed writing dearly and have been stuck. I apologize for not having uploaded much of anything lately. On that note a close personal friend of mine told me to write something completely different then what I am used to, so I have! In the effort to try and get back into writing more, I have written the first bit of what I hope to be another story or possibly actual book. Please give it a chance everyone! It is called Time Travellers! You can find it on my profile! Let me know what you all think!
          - Jesse


Hello everyone,
          I would like to say a few quick things to all of you, whom I love that you still follow me despite me not updating things like I should. So on that note, I would like to apologise.
          I am so sorry to all of you for not having updated or anything at all recently, eventually, I hope to be able to update and give you all something more to read on my stories. I have not given up however I have encountered a huge set back as of recently that has devastated me. 
          On Friday December 15th 2017, a main water line broke up the street. A sewage line. The water exploded out from the ground at the park and turned my street and the next one over into a 2-4ft deep River you could grab a boat and go down. I'm sure you can all guess what happened next..... The water came flooding into my basement, causing almost 3ft of water to come rushing into my basement and up through the drains, destroying the contents of my basement.
          Now my followers I'm sure you realized that I've lost everything.... My old laptops, my art work, my gaming systems, and lastly, what I am currently trying to dry out, all of my stories. So on the note of my stories already being late, I can't promise when it will be, as I am still trying to grab all my notebooks from the soaking puddles.... I wish there was another way but I have no memory of what I've written down, and I can't let you guys down. 
          Remember I don't want your pitty, or anything if the sort. Bad things happen, nothing to be done, but I promise eventually I will update! 
          I love you all! Wish me luck!!
          Buhbye for now!!!


@Creepy_Fangurl lol well thank you


A note you you all!
          It has come to my attention that I've been slacking way too hard. I wasn't sure anyone was still reading my stories, I'm so sorry to you all for not updating and all the empty promises to do so. I feel as though I owe you all new additions to my stories. I will try my hardest to update by midnight tonight! I love you all, thank you for sticking with me all this time!


Hey Hey everyone! I checked my followers today and saw that there's 269 of you! I love you all! I'm going to try and update a little of everything as a treat because I did not think I'd ever have so many of you! Thank you Thank you lovelies!!