
Happy 4th of July to all, I hope you're celebrating the freedoms we enjoy with those you love the most, enjoy the good food, the amazing fireworks. God Bless America, and God bless you all.


@EnclaveCommando Happy 4th of July from Canada



@williamsmaurice1254 when I get to it, I actually have something in mind for it.


@EnclaveCommando so are you going to update your Kim Possible x GTA V Male Reader


Let me guess my friend Wattpad got rid of most of your books


@EnclaveCommando oh I see well take your time and I hope everything goes well for you and your family take care my friend 


@EdmondBugghins no, I took most of them down because I was becoming burdened. I do have plans on bringing some of them back, but I want to finish at least one story before anything else. My time is unfortunately pretty occupied with work and helping my family, so it's hard to find time for myself.


So while I was reading your recent book and rereading the enclaves Menagerie, I had a thought going through my head. You remember the mothership zeta of DLC in Fallout 3, I was wondering that in the new book If The Enclave somehow match get access to it since timeline was the DLC takes place in 2277 and Fallout 4 is 10 years after that so the mothership will still be around. The fact that in the Enclave/Menagerie book you the enclavian managed to acquire that would really help them especially if they're reverse engineer the technology.


@DanteShadowfang I liked the dlc, I won't lie, but many of the fallout community would wish that it was never thought of, but I did have a few ideas of referencing it, characters or as you suggested technology. Keep an eye out and maybe you'll catch something.


Sir, permission to ask a major question about the New Book you have posted


@DanteShadowfang its fanfiction, for all we know: the USS Arizona might have been raised by the US and Repaired before becoming a Museum Ship


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@JoeyKirkpatrickJr the USS Arizona is a wreck off under the water for Pearl Harbor and the USS Texas was already an old shit by the time War were two came around it was literally created during World War I. I wouldn't think those two ships would be a good option to use, though the Missouri and the other Iowa class battleships could be reactivated if they weren't destroyed during the Great War and haven't fallen apart completely over the last two centuries.


I just played Echos of the past and while I loved it, I didn't like the final fight. Why were they in Atlantic Offices? The abandoned shack Bunker is a much better place for the Enclave. It's functional, it has power, it's spacious, it has a working elevator that goes to the surface and most importantly, ITS UNDERGROUND! you have Enclave soldiers wearing combat armor in the middle of the glowing sea! Bethesda this was a stupid decision, like making the corvega plant raiders terrorize Tenpines bluff stupid.


@EnclaveCommando it's truly a bizarre decision on Bethesda's part sir