
          	A bit of a late announcement, but the newest chapter for 'Ebony' over on my second account @EbonyAninalSpirit is out and ready to read!
          	For any of you waiting for that, have at it!
          	Don't know what that is? It's my HawksXOC, My Hero Academia fanfic! Take a gander if that tickles your fancy :D
          	Anyhoo, up next will be a toss up between 'Broken Fairies' and 'Sixth Sense'! We'll see which mood hits me next and lets me bang out another chappy >w<
          	Thank you, have a wonderful night my lovely readers! <33


          A bit of a late announcement, but the newest chapter for 'Ebony' over on my second account @EbonyAninalSpirit is out and ready to read!
          For any of you waiting for that, have at it!
          Don't know what that is? It's my HawksXOC, My Hero Academia fanfic! Take a gander if that tickles your fancy :D
          Anyhoo, up next will be a toss up between 'Broken Fairies' and 'Sixth Sense'! We'll see which mood hits me next and lets me bang out another chappy >w<
          Thank you, have a wonderful night my lovely readers! <33


Hellloooo my lovely readers!
          The newest chapter for 'Sixth Sense' is finally here! :D
          AND IT'S A LONG ONE
          Lots of stuff to get through, lots of hurt and ;3; for my bb Izaru- but I do hope you enjoy it!
          Next to be updated will be 'Ebony' over on my second account, @EbonyAnimalSpirit , so stay tuned for that!
          Tysm for your patience and have a lovely day! <33


@Reflection_Nebula ahhhhhh thank you, that means so much ;3;


Your stories are beautifully written and I honestly enjoyed them very much. 


Hey just wanted to say I finally got around to reading your newest chapter and I really liked it great work and I'm happy to see your writing again it's been a while since I've read some of your stuff


@EnergyMageFrea that's actually kind of funny can't wait to read the new chapter hope that you keep updating soon and if not take all the time you need


@MelvinJaye (lmao I am here and with an update for Sixth Sense just now actually XD )


@EnergyMageFrea you're welcome and I can't wait for your next few chapters of either six sense or the fairy tail book


Helllooooooo! Guess who's not dead? XD
          Been a hot minute, I do apologize for this stretch of months before an update- but here I am! And I have a new Chapter for 'Broken Fairies' for ya, and things with Fraxus/Laea are getting places >w<
          I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Next to be updated will be 'Sixth Sense', which is long overdue ;3;
          Tysm for sticking with me, hopefully see you all sooner this time around! XD


@EnergyMageFrea Oh SNAP! This is such a treat for when I'm getting cozy after work! I'm so excited, thank you!


@Thehayls13 tysm! Newest chappy for Sixth Sense is up and ready to read! <33


@Maeraenneys thank you, we are still trucking!  Lol


Awhile back I found ‘Sixth Senses’ and just thought this was one of the best stories I’ve read that really pulled you in and would be one of my tops.
          I lost my account and saves and forever tried to find this story again and finally after forever I found it yesterday and reread it all to the most recent chapter.
          I know we all have our lives and routines but I can not wait for another update! Even if it takes time I hope you finish this story.
          I’ll be readying your FT books now to keep me satisfied lol!


@Emily4764595 ahhhh super late reply but thank you so much!! QwQ I appreciate you reading my stories with all my heart, and that you found me again! >w< 
            I do hope you continue to love my stuff, I do know I am slow- but I am determined to finish my stories no matter how long it takes! 
            Thank you so much! <33 